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Title/DescriptionAcademic certification and training on refugee law
CountryVenezuela » 
Specific location (city, region, etc)San Cristóbal, estado Táchira y Maracaibo, estado Zulia
Actors/PartnersACNUR / Consejo Noruego para los Refugiados / Universidad Católica del Táchira, CNR Zulia, Universidad Rafael Urdaneta (URU), InDepth, Fundación Rafael del Pino
FundingPublic » Private » UNHCR » 
Funding (detail)Co-financiamiento, financiamiento y contribuciones en especie (recursos humanos y materiales), contribuciones ad-honorem de facilitadores.
Objectif(s)The certification was created to increase the knowledge as well as the technical and response capacities of public officials directly or indirectly involved in issues regarding asylum and migration, NGO local members, civil society organizations as well as members of the government’s security forces, students and public in general. They contribute to the growth of the protection network. In regards to the training courses for key officials of public institutions, the objective is to train individuals that can disseminate their knowledge inside their institutions and create a base of human and material resources. Another important goal is to enhance the processes for attention, reception, registration, documentation and local integration of persons in need of protection in Táchira and Zulia states. As the officials increase their knowledge, it is possible to groom subject matter experts in topics related to refugees at a working and academic level. These courses spread the knowledge on International Refugee Law as well as on the local laws on the matter. They also consider common national and international situations associated with refugees and asylum-seekers.


These courses provide due and solid training in asylum issues to members of the National Refugees’ Commission (CNR), security agencies of different levels, immigration authorities, Ombudsman’s Office, judicial agencies and media. These sector face on a daily basis the challenges brought by immigration and asylum and they should be prepared to respond to the continuous demand for attention and provide the timely response Venezuela is obliged to give, as defined on the international commitments it has under International Human Rights Law. All key government institutions are invited to the courses jointly by UNHCR and CNR, which increase their value. 

The activities have resulted in individuals with knowledge on legal instruments for the protection of the rights of refugees and asylum-seekers (national and international laws), as well as on the national protection and assistance system for refugees and asylum-seekers. There was particular emphasis on the obligations by government officials regarding those in need of international protection (non-refoulement, non- sanction for illegal entry, etc.).

The number of referrals to UNHCR has increased, particularly from immigration authorities, every time an asylum-seeker crosses the border or approaches a key control point. The Army and the National Guard have also started to interact more regularly with UNHCR and have also requested training for their units. The knowledge level regarding refugees and international protection has increased amongst those students who attended the courses.  The cooperation between UNHCR and several authorities and institutes dealing with immigration matters has strengthened. Due to the officials’s awareness, the population we work with have benefited from better integration to their communities and from the ability to travel freely since their documentation as well as their situation is better known now. The participants studied the relevant protection instruments (national and international law) for the protection of the human rights of refugees and asylum-seekers as well as the national system for attention and protection of those that fall into these categories (access to services, documentation, resources, etc.) with emphasis in cross subjects such as gender, disability, indigenous communities and HIV. The persecution on the grounds of gender has been widely discussed throughout several modules.

There has been extensive work with the wayuu people regarding women’s rights and their importance in the social structures that are a consequence of displacement. Some of the modules of the course were taught in wayuu, in order to include that group in the discussions regarding roles. Rapprochement between the legal entities competent in cases of gender violence (Public Ministry and Women’s Courts) to government institutions and NGOs. Increase of awareness regarding the situation of refugees and displacement-related Gender-Based Sexual Violence (GBSV) have enhanced and strengthened the protection net. Establishment of the Institutional Safeway for the Attention and Response of GBSV Cases in the state of Zulia. State-wide meeting of the Women’s Municipal Institutes from Zulia that belong to the Committee.

Why is this considered a Good practice?These projects have an effect on the border states to Colombia, being Táchira state the main entry point to Venezuela for asylum-seekers and one of the most dynamic border entries in Latin America with a constant and diverse mixed flow of people. The joint actitivities with CNR have increased thus enhancing institutional relationships and the perception of joint efforts vis-à-vis key national institutions. Strengthening of the bonds with civil and military authorities that have reinforced their knowledge about the correct processes, non-refoulement and respect and proper treatment of refugees contributes to the recognition and warranty of the rights of refugees and asylum-seekers and their integration in Venezuela. The projects helped networking and to involve key activists that had a positive impact in the refugees’ situation in the state of Zulia, thus creating a material and intellectual base that benefits the population in need of international protection. Being the academic arena a neutral zone, it is easier to deal with humanitarian issues from a non-political standpoint. These subjects provide students with a clear understanding of what is the asylum right as well as of the Venezuelan refugee legislation, generating academic activities that increase the interest for the subject of refugees on the region. The subject of refugees and asylum-seekers in Venezuela and the state of Zulia can be promoted via an international law magazine, increasing the interest on this situation as well as the research on the topic, this attracting interest and eventually projects that help the population of interest.
Pertinent MPA/BPA ComponentProtection » 
Theme (s)Projects at the border » 

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