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Title/DescriptionHouse of Rights of the Desamparados Municipality
CountryCosta Rica » 
Specific location (city, region, etc)Desamparados, San Jose
Actors/PartnersMunicipalidad de Desamparados, ACAI, APRODE, Centro de Derechos Laborales-Caritas, Colegio de Abogados, Universidad de Costa Rica, Programa conjunto de la “Ventana de Empleo, Juventud y Migración” (UNFPA,OIM,OIT)
FundingPrivate » UNHCR » 
Objectif(s)To offer legal, psychological and social services that provide a complete response to the needs of the local, migrant and refugee population. The legal services, free-of-cost, include consultancy and litigation services in family law, gender-based violence, immigration and labour rights, amongst others. Additionally, the House of Rights, due to its social vocation, provides these services to the poor urban areas of the municipality, with training and awareness activities as well as integration and health clinic fairs.

The House of Rights is regarded as a local and nationwide model in terms of decentralization since the Desamparados Municipality transferred its own Social Services staff to the house.

Ever since it was created jointly with UNHCR and ACAI, several national and international actors have joined the effort thus allowing the possibility of providing complementary services to the low-income local population.

Taking into consideration the 10-Point Plan of Action, the House of Rights project aims to provide protection to refugees as well as to immigrants and host communities, so as to encourage local integration of the population of concern to UNHCR. The sustainability of the House of Rights is achieved through the commitment of the Desamparados Municipality and its partners, and it has become an integral support and rights’ access center.

Why is this considered a Good practice?The House of Rights is the result of successful and pertinent cooperation between UNHCR and a local government, civil society organizations, government agencies and other UN agencies. The House of Rights works to protect the human rights of low-income population guaranteeing their access to legal, social and psychological services via a comprehensive service. The program becomes a way to obtain a livelihood away from the welfare and dependency model between UNHCR and its population of concern. The House of Rights has achieved an important level of expertise in prevention and response of gender-based violence cases, not only regading refugees but also for immigrants and local population. Thus, the House or Rights receives cases transferred from the National Women’s Institute (INAMU) and diverse health centers that belong to the Costa Rican Social Security Institute (CCSS). Since it is recognized as a regional best practice, the House of Rights was chosen as a pilot site for real-time evaluation of UNHCR’s Urban Policy.
Pertinent MPA/BPA ComponentProtection » 
Theme (s)Governments, states, municipalities » 

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