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Title/DescriptionUNHCR-La Verdad photographic contest: “What do you see when someone talks to you about refugees?”
CountryVenezuela » 
Specific location (city, region, etc)Maracaibo, Estado Zulia
Actors/PartnersField Office Maracaibo (FUMA), Diario La Verdad. Strobo.
FundingOther » 
Funding (detail)ACNUR, Diario Panorama, Diario La Verdad. Agencias de viajes y otros donantes colaboradores de los premios. ACNUR facilita la logística de las actividades. Los Diarios Publican gratuitamente las actividades en sus diarios. Los donantes entregan premios
Objectif(s)To promote the subject of asylum amongst college students and civil society in general through photographs and articles about refugees.

A photographic contest met with a great response from students and professionals, showing the reality of refugees. The contest had great coverage and there were more than 100 people during the opening ceremony. On that same day, a public workshop was held to increase awareness on the reality of refugees and asylum-seekers in the state of Zulia, thus reinforcing the protection network amongst civil society.

Public exposure of the situation of refugees to college students and media professionals through the posters delivered to teachers that promoted the event. The same was done to promote the event in the main middle schools in Maracaibo. After their participation in the opening event or the contest itself, many participants have joined the UNHCR’s volunteers network.


Why is this considered a Good practice?La Verdad, the most popular journal in Zulia, published an article to promote the contest about the situation of refugees on occasion of World Refugee’s Day. This had a significant impact in the civil population that is looking to understand the situation of refugees, especially after seeing some stunning photos on the subject. The involvement of students and media specialists to advocate for refugees, increased awareness regarding the refugees’ situation; this has a long-term effect in the creation of civil society protection networks. As an example, many of the participants in the contest have become volunteers in UNHCR events in Maracaibo.
Pertinent MPA/BPA ComponentProtection » 
Theme (s)PI » 

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