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Title/DescriptionState Committees to Promote Local Integration
CountryBrazil » 
Specific location (city, region, etc)Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo
Actors/PartnersUNHCR, Gobiernos Estatales and Secretarias y sociedad civil
FundingPublic » 
Objectif(s)Involve state-level government officials in promoting public policies for the care and social inclusion of asylum-seekers and refugees in the country. The State Committee in Rio de Janeiro has developed a Political Plan of Care for refugees, as well as the regulations of the Committee. The committees comprise representatives of the State Secretariats, civil society, teachers, refugees, and UNHCR.

Increased involvement by the State authorities in the protection and local integration process of asylum-seekers and refugees.

Why is this considered a Good practice?Government authorities include and consider the particular needs of asylum-seekers and refugees as they develop public policies that benefit the local community, or in designing specific measures for their inclusion in existing policies.
Pertinent MPA/BPA ComponentCities of solidarity » 
Theme (s)Governments, states, municipalities » 

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