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Title/DescriptionLegal clinics
CountryEcuador » 
Specific location (city, region, etc)Quito, Santo Domingo y Cuenca
Actors/PartnersCasa de la Movilidad Humana – Quito, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador – Quito, Universidad de los Andes – Santo Domingo, Universidad del Azuay – Cuenca, Fundación Ambiente y Sociedad (FAS)
FundingUNHCR » 
Objectif(s)Ensure legal advice and quality legal representation free of charge for people in contexts of human mobility, including refugees and others in need of international protection.

Casa de la Movilidad Humana provides legal advice and sponsorship in civil, criminal, administrative and notarial matters, and access to rights due to domestic violence and child abuse.

It serves approximately 210 people monthly in situation of mobility. Of them, 36% are between refugees and asylum-seekers. Casa de la Movilidad Humana has joined forces with the Coalición por las Migraciones y el Refugio, specifically in the case of arbitrary detention and deportation of refugees and asylum-seekers, which have actively participated in individual processes. It also has supported refugee organizations in their constitution in associations, such as Mitad del Mundo, Los caminantes del mundo sin fronteras, and Gestión y talentos de las madres cabeza de familia (Management and talents of female heads of family) in Cotocollao.

Why is this considered a Good practice?Adequate provision of legal advice and free legal representation to people in need of international protection. Hiring of three attorneys for Casa de la Movilidad Humana in Quito for zonal administrations of Quitumbe (south), Eloy Alfaro (south central) and La Delicia (north); mechanisms of coordination, referral and follow-up with Legal Clinics of at least three universities in Quito, Cuenca and Santo Domingo; and training for teachers and students participating in the Legal Clinics, as well as to lawyers serving refugees, social advocacy and public advocacy. Without any doubt the most important impact of the legal guidance offered by Casa de la Movilidad Humana is to provide direct guidance in neighborhoods with a greater presence of immigrant and refugee population. It has also been particularly positive in improving coordination with institutions like the Ombudsman and civil society, such as Jesuit Refugee and Migrant Service (JRMS), forming a protection network especially active in cases of arbitrary detentions and deportations risk (refoulement).
Pertinent MPA/BPA ComponentProtection » 
Theme (s)Legal clinics » 

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