High Profile Supporters

War has forced millions of families to flee their homes

This is the most urgent story of our time

Rokia Traore visits Malian refugees

Malian singer Rokia Traore visited Goudoubo camp, Burkina Faso. The camp hosts some 10,000 Malian refugees who fled a conflict that erupted between a Tuareg rebel group and governmental troops.

Khaled Hosseini tells Yasser’s Story

American novelist Khaled Hosseini meets Yasser and is moved by the atrocities his young children have seen…

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Judith Kerr’s Story, United Kingdom

German-born British writer Judith Kerr tells her own refugee story; she escaped from Hitler’s Germany when she was a child…

Alek Wek’s Story, Model and Designer

Alek Wek fled her country when she was five; the Sudanese supermodel tells her story…

Eric Jankstrom meets Lopez Lomong

Film producer Eric Jankowsky met Olympic athlete Lopez Lomong, and is impressed by his incredible strength, resilience and true love for life.

Romola Garai shares her great-grandfather’s Story

British actress Romola Garai tells her great-grandfather’s story and she is proud to be a product both of his flight and of the society that nurtured him.

Neil Gaiman’s experience with Syrian refugees

Best selling author and UNHCR High Profile Supporter, Neil Gaiman recently returned from Jordan seeing UNHCR’s frontline work for Syrian refugees…

George Butler draws a Syrian refugee family

George Butler, an artist and illustrator in current affairs, draws a Syrian refugee family leaving their country…

Barbara Hendricks tells Jennie Tourel’s Story

Barbara Hendricks, classical singer and UNHCR Honorary Lifetime Goodwill Ambassador, shares the story of her mentor, Jennie Tourel.

Kat Graham tells Ibrahim's story

Kat Graham tells Ibrahim's story

  Length: 3:11 Views: 788

Richard Rogers’ Story, United Kingdom

Architect Sir Richard Rogers shares the story of his own family’s displacement; It was World War II that caused his family to leave Italy…

Henning Mankell tells Liberata’s Story

Liberata fled her village, and in the panic, was separated from her son. Henning Mankell visits them reunited…

Rokia Traore visits Malian refugees

Malian singer Rokia Traore visited Goudoubo camp, Burkina Faso. The camp hosts some 10,000 Malian refugees who fled a conflict that erupted between a Tuareg rebel group and governmental troops.

Esther Freud tells Ella's story

Esther Freud tells Ella's story

  Length: 3:19 Views: 205

Marina Lewycka’s Story, United Kingdom

British novelist Marina Lewycka was born in a refugee camp in Kiel, Germany after World War II…

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Stephen Kelly, Photographer

Stephen Kelly, a photojournalist was given the assignment to photograph each family holding the most important item they were able to carry with them when they fled their homes.

Resilience and appreciation

Thon was born in, Jonglei State, South Sudan. Having fled Sudan as a child, he taught pre-schoolers and worked as a Counselor for Jesuit Refugee Service and Lutheran World Federation in a Kenyan Refugee Camp. He was resettled in the United States in December, 2000 by Lutheran Immigration Refugee Service (LIRS) and thrived in a […]

Alixandra Fazzina, Photojournalist

“With no place to go, the millions urban refugees from Pakistan’s tribal belt are the forgotten victims of an unseen war.”

Alek Wek meets Sudanese refugee children

Supermodel Alek Wek meets refugee children and is reminded how important education is…

Dak’s Story, Ethiopia

Dak from Sudan has been forced to flee his country twice; yet he remains patriotic and once the conflict subsides he intends to return…

Hanna and Yauhen’s Story, Czech Republic

This young couple participated in demonstrations against Belarus president Alexander Lukashenko. Soon after they didn’t fell safe anymore.

Celine’s Story, Cameroon

One of the reasons I became an aid worker is a bit sentimental. As a child, my grandfathers used to tell me stories of WWII, how they suffered and how they were helped…

Paul Mena, Journalist

Paul Mena highlights the difficulties Ecuadorians face when trying to obtain an education, he believes there is still much to tell…

1 family torn apart by war is too many

Learn more about our work with refugees at UNHCR.org