Assessment Details

Terms of reference for a Need Assessment study of vulnerable population in Madaba Governorate
Terms of reference for a Need Assessment study of vulnerable population in Madaba Governorate
Basic Information
Registered On 27/05/2015
Status Data collection started
Scope Refugee Response Plan
Funded Yes
Sampling Type Other
Sample size 250 direct beneficiaries of the proposed action, 100 families or caregivers of the direct beneficiaries, 150 general population
Purpose to identify and prepare a response that meets the needs of refugees and host communities and strengthens the response from the Jordanian government and international organizations and the coordination between the different actors.
Concept Note Download
Methodology Description Review current statistics and sources of primary and secondary information: Approved project matrix and activities description, UNHCR data, Madaba CDC lists of Beneficiaries and CDC’s feedback and reports of activities, Bureau of Statistics for information on Jordanian population in Madaba.
Data Collection Start Date 20 May 2015
Data Collection End Date 4 June 2015

Target Population

Syrian Urban / Rural Population
Host Communities
Other Refugee Urban / Rural Population

Target Settlement

Individual accomodation (not hosted)




Focus Group Discussion
Household key informant interviews
Secondary Data Review

Participating Organizations

FPSC - Jordan



