Assessment Details

Required resources for small-scale non-commercial home-based food production in Irbid
Required resources for small-scale non-commercial home-based food production in Irbid
Basic Information
Registered On 19/03/2015
Status Planned
Scope Refugee Response Plan
Funded No
Purpose As a practical part of an internal training for NRC staff, NRC is planning an adapted Emergency Market Mapping and Analysis (EMMA) assessment in the Northern Jordan from 22nd – 27th April. The training will map some of the resources required for small-scale non-commercial home-based food production in Irbid, with a view to understanding the critical links within the market system.

The training will be jointly facilitated by NRC head office staff and an external consultant, and is primarily meant to provide capacity building to NRC staff while enhancing the information available to the humanitarian community. NRC hopes that the analysis of segments of non-commercial home-based small-scale food production in Irbid from the perspective of supply, demand and systemic bottleneckswill provide useful insight for possible future programmatic interventions.
Methodology Description The assessment will cover Irbid Governorate. The teams are comprised of 10 data collectors who will participate in a three day training and preparatory workshop, 4 days of data collection, and a final 3 days for a data compilation and analysis workshop.
Data Collection Start Date 22 April 2015
Data Collection End Date 27 April 2015

Target Population

Host Communities
Syrian Urban / Rural Population

Participating Organizations

NRC Jordan


Jordan, Irbid Governorate, Irbid


Food Security