High Profile Supporters

Henning Mankell

War has forced millions of families to flee their homes

This is the most urgent story of our time

"When I was 17 or 18 years old I met some refugees from South Africa who had fled apartheid, and I realized that no one flees without very strong cause."

Henning Mankell visited a refugee settlement and a transit centre in Uganda, neighbouring Democratic Republic of the Congo.

Henning Mankell tells Liberata’s Story

Liberata fled her village, and in the panic, was separated from her son. Henning Mankell visits them reunited…

Henning Mankell’s strongest memory

If I were to choose one thing, it was when we went to the health centre in Rwamwanja settlement…

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Jason Tanner, Photographer

Maria’s harrowing testimony, and circumstances of the interview reminded me of the duty of care, the responsibility and obligation we have as photographers.

Sara Khojoyan, Journalist

Sara Khojoyan tells the positive tale of Ani who believes life is about fighting for a better future and allowing your children to dream.

“No human being would prefer losing her beloved country and being called a ‘refugee.’ Everyone would definitely return home if they could,...”

The night Mediatrice Kabasinga left her home in Rwanda, she didn’t know where she was heading. She was eight months pregnant with her second child and running for her life…

David Morrissey visits Za’atari Refugee Camp, Jordan

Actor and UNHCR High Profile Supporter David Morrissey travelled to Jordan to see UNHCR’s frontline work for Syrian refugees.

1 family torn apart by war is too many

Learn more about our work with refugees at UNHCR.org