Operation: Botswana
Latest update of camps and office locations 13 Jan 2016. By clicking on the icons on the map, additional information is displayed.
Key Figures
2015 end-year results | |
100% | of people of concern received full food rations from UNHCR |
53 | people of concern assisted with voluntary return |
28 | families who received new houses |
196 | people of concern enrolled in primary school |
311 | people of concern who received treatment for HIV |
Latest Updates
People of Concern
Decrease in
2015 | 2,265 |
2014 | 2,847 |
2013 | 2,995 |

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Budgets and Expenditure for Botswana
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- 2015
- 2016
Working environment
- Botswana, a signatory to the 1951 refugee convention, is an middle-income country and its political and economic climate is stable.
- Refugees and asylum-seekers in Botswana have limited access to employment opportunities and freedom of movement. This limits the opportunities for people of concern (PoC) to pursue self-reliance and to be independent of assistance.
- An encampment policy, instances of detention of PoC and a high rejection rate during the refugee status determination (RSD) process present challenges in the protection environment.
- The Government continues to provide basic services including health, education and water to the PoC residing in Dukwi refugee camp. In 2015, the Government invoked the cessation of status for Namibian refugees in Botswana as of 31 December.
Population trends
- Botswana hosts 2,412 persons of concern residing in Dukwi refugee camp.
- Some 43 per cent of refugees originate from Namibia, followed by Zimbabweans, at 32 per cent.
- New arrivals in 2015, mostly from the Democratic Republic of the Congo and Burundi, totaled 675 people.
Achievements and impact
- Access to social services, food and other basic necessities was provided to international standards.
- Awareness campaigns on protection issues including sexual and gender-based violence, child protection, and HIV/AIDS were conducted.
- A consultative workshop with all key stakeholders was held to gather feedback on the existing national legislation, the Refugee (Recognition and Control) Act. The Act is under review and it is expected that once revised, it will be aligned with international standards addressing key protection gaps.
- In line with the solutions strategy for Namibian refugees, UNHCR supported the Government with information campaigns on cessation, applications for exemption and voluntary repatriation.
- Training and capacity building workshops on RSD procedures were held for the Refugee Advisory Committee members, and technical advice and support were provided during their adjudication sessions.
Unmet needs
- Livelihood opportunities remained limited due to restricted freedom of movement and absence of the right to work.
- PoC were not included in the national antiretroviral programme.