Aliyah’s Story, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Photo by D. Gunther /2014

Photo by D. Gunther /2014

Life for a teenage Syrian refugee in Bosnia and Herzegovina is not easy, but Aliyah is glad to be in a country without war and wishes that all the world’s children receive the help they need.

“My name is Aliyah and I am 14 years old. I was born in Syria where I lived with my family and went to school. Initially, the school was full of refugees. Then, there was no water or electricity and the town was bombarded every day. There was no school any more. We lost all our hope that we could continue our lives in Syria. Therefore, we were forced to leave our home. My parents, siblings, and I fled to Bosnia to escape the war and violence in my country. Life in Bosnia is also difficult, as we do not know the language, and cannot go to school again because of the language barrier, but at least there is no war here. Therefore, I would kindly ask you to help all children in the world. Thank you.”

1 family torn apart by war is too many

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