#Syria: 1 million #refugees

Syria’s Refugee Crisis

Syrian Refugees: The not so fun Facts Infographic. The Syrian War now enters its 4th year. Millions of Syrians have been displaced, ½ of whom are children left without proper schooling. If the situation does not improve dramatically, Syria risks ending up with a generation disengaged from education & learning. | infographic | Dubai

And the light bulb goes on...

27 ways to refocus a team.

25 Years of Ocean Debris Collected


A true take on the Myers Brigg. I am compared to Dick Cheney, Margaret Thatcher, Joseph Stalin, and.... Wait for it.... Satan. It also says I'm a soulless puppet master. Seems a bit harsh but ok.

Women's Rights are Human Rights.

We asked and ONE members delivered! Here are 29 ways to be a better activist. See how many total responses came in >> http://www.one.org/us/2013/10/17/infographic-29-ways-to-be-a-better-activist/ #one #activist

[Video] I Will Not Let An Exam Result Decide My Fate||Spoken Word

"If the world hate you, you know that it hated Me before it hated you." John 15:18

Atlanta is the #1 city for human trafficking in the U.S. These are the Facts on child sex trafficking. This is a huge problem in our country and it does not get the attention that it so desperately needs. .http://www.desertsolace.com/blog/2013/12/13/slavery-20-the-child-sex-trade-in-america/ INFOWARS.COM BECAUSE THERE'S A WAR ON FOR YOUR MIND

Success Quotes- Have more success in your life with "Motivational Success Quotes" at http://www.yourmotivationpage.com/motivational-quotes/motivational-success-quotes-part-1

The Asexual Spectrum

Abate- to lessen

INTP Weaknesses (Not nice that this list is longer than the strengths' list!)

"...let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath:" James 1:19 k

Syrian refugee crisis. #WorldVision #Syria #childrenofSyria

Writing Inspiration from Ernest Hemmingway and Figment.com

A powerful infographic exposing various myths about immigrantion. Learn more, love more.