
On the Other Side of the Lake

When the fighting in north-eastern Nigeria came to Baga town, thousands of survivors fled across Lake Chad, searching for safety.

6 Mar 2015

Breaking the Silence

Meet Suzan, one of 40 young volunteers working to protect South Sudanese women and girls at a refugee settlement in northern Uganda.

6 Mar 2015

Caught up in Calais

Mazhar fled the war in Syria and walked for months in search of a place to call home. In the French town of Calais, his progress came to a halt.

27 Feb 2015

Stateless in West Africa

Ten million people around the world have no nationality. In West Africa, at least 750,000 face a lifetime of broken dreams.

25 Feb 2015

Small graves

With little access to health care, clean water and other needs, refugees from the Central African Republic are at risk – especially young children.

24 Feb 2015

A Camp Becomes a Village

As hopes fade for peace back home, many survivors opt to settle for good in Katanga Province. The host community responds with open arms.

23 Feb 2015

A hell like no other

Countless Yazidi women and girls have been abducted in recent months. Three survivors speak of the horror that haunts them still.

23 Feb 2015

One mother's courage

Deadly conflicts forced Nawat to flee from Sudan to South Sudan to Uganda. Now, a small miracle has made her family whole again.

17 Feb 2015

A boy named Boat

Even before the civil war, giving birth in South Sudan was a risky affair. Martha delivered her son on a crowded ferry while fleeing attackers.

6 Feb 2015