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South Sudan

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South Sudan refugee outflow grows as relief funds lag
UNHCR, 19/04/2016
GENEVA, April 19 (UNHCR) – A combination of new fighting in previously peaceful areas, food insecurity and severe humanitarian funding shortages continue to cause a sharp worsening of the situation in South Sudan for many civilians. Recent fighting between government and opposition forces in Western Bahr al Ghazal state has displaced more than 96,000 people to Wau, a small town in the north-west of South Sudan, the world's youngest country. All the African nation's six neighbours – Central African Republic, Democratic Republic of Congo, Ethiopia, Kenya, Sudan and Uganda – are now reporting rising refugee inflows, at a time when operations to meet their needs are severely underfunded. "With the Regional Refugee Response Plan funded at just eight per cent, many life-saving services are threatened and UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency, is extremely concerned," spokesperson Ariane ...
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Food insecurity drives more South Sudanese to Sudan
UNHCR, 29/03/2016
GENEVA, March 29 (UNHCR) – Increased food insecurity in South Sudan – caused by the ongoing conflict and deteriorating economic conditions – is driving an increasing number of people to seek refuge in neighbouring Sudan, UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency, has warned. Heightened food insecurity and growing unrest in parts of South Sudan, especially in the north-western States of Northern Bahr El Ghazal and Warrap, have resulted in the flight of some 38,000 people into East and South Darfur since the end of January. "UNHCR fears the situation could quickly worsen as the nutrition situation in Upper Nile, Warrap, and Northern Bahr Ghazal grows increasingly serious," UNHCR spokesperson Adrian Edwards told reporters at a news briefing in Geneva on Tuesday (March 29). "They need humanitarian help including food, water and basic relief items," he added. The Government of Sudan's Human...
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Books not bombs for Sudan refugees
IRINNEWS, 09/02/2016
One of the first stops for people fleeing the conflict in Sudan’s South Kordofan region is the town of Yida, 20 kilometres across the border in South Sudan. The town shelters more than 70,000 Sudanese refugees who have set up homes, businesses and have established themselves within the local community. But now, in an effort to decongest Yida and provide better services, the government and humanitarian partners are trying to persuade them to relocate to an official camp in Ajuong Thonk, further south in Unity State. It was established in 2013 to shelter civilians fleeing the fighting between the Sudanese government and rebels of the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement-North (SPLM-N) and the Justice and Equality Movement (JEM). The camp shelters 31,000 – a population that has more than doubled over the course of 2015 – and is likely to expand further still with the en...
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UNHCR distributes food and non-food items to IDPs in S. Sudan’s Yambio
Sudan Tribune, 03/03/2016
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) has started distribution of food and non-food items to thousands of internally displaced persons (IDPs) in the South Sudan’s western town of Yambio in former Western Equatoria state. The relief items include blankets, plastic sheets, flours, washing soaps, cooking oils, etc. It targets over eight hundred households with over three thousands IDPs who fled their homes due to last year and recent fighting between local armed youth in the area and the South Sudanese army (SPLA) in Ikpiro area in Yambio county. Speaking to the press during the distribution of the relief assistance, coordinator for the Relief and Rehabilitation Commission in Yambio county, Francis Francisko, commended the UNHCR and World Vision for having provided the humanitarian assistance. “Today, we together with the partners NGOs and UN Agencies are distri...
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Fresh fighting in South Sudan displaces up to 26,000 people
UNHCR, 19/02/2016
Up to 26,000 people are believed to have been displaced by fighting that broke out between ethnic Dinka and Shilluk at a site for internally displaced people in Malakal, South Sudan, UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency, said. The violence erupted in the evening of Wednesday (February 17). A day later, Sudan's People Liberation Army (SPLA) soldiers reportedly entered the protection of civilians' site, which was hosting 48,000 internally displaced people, or IDPs. Humanitarian partners on the ground reported shooting, looting of properties and burning of houses. UNHCR staff said civilians fled carrying whatever they could and that vulnerable people were left unattended. Many families were separated in the rush to flee. Preliminary information indicates 18 people were killed and more than 90 wounded. A number of civilians remain in very critical conditions. Two clinics, run by the Interna...
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South Sudan fighting forces thousands to flee to CAR, Uganda and DRCongo
UNHCR, 11/03/2016
Fighting in previously peaceful areas of South Sudan's Western Equatoria state continues to force thousands of people to flee into the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), Uganda and even the volatile Central African Republic. We hope to gain access next week to an estimated 7,000 South Sudanese refugees living in desperate conditions in Bambouti, which is located in a difficult to reach area in the easternmost part of Central African Republic. A four-truck convoy carrying UNHCR and WFP food and non-food humanitarian aid, is scheduled to leave Bangui on Saturday for Bambouti and arrive there on March 21. An inter-agency needs assessment team will follow on Monday, travelling by plane and helicopter. They will carry some emergency relief items, including medicine and nutritional biscuits. The nearest UNHCR field office is at Zemio, 320 kms to the west, but we have been in cont...
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Thousands are fleeing South Sudan's new rebellion
Newsweek, 03/03/2016
One evening while he was still celebrating the birth of his first son a week earlier, Philip Bati answered a knock on the door at home in the South Sudanese city of Yambio. Expecting well-wishers, Bati instead found men with guns on his doorstep demanding money. It had been an expensive week since his son’s birth, and Bati, 35, was broke. He had no chance but to plead for his life. “He was shot right at the door, since he had nothing to give them,” says his wife, Faustina Joseph, who was next door at the time, showing off the baby to the neighbors. “They pushed his body inside, blocked the door and set fire to the house, burning him with it.” Yambio is far from South Sudan’s swamps and savannas to the north and east, which have been ravaged in the country’s two-year rebellion. That fighting, between its government and forces loyal to former Vice President Riek Mach...
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150 Congolese refugees stranded without food after W Equatoria clashes
Radio Tamazuj, 12/01/2016
150 Congolese refugees are stranded in the bush around Ezo in South Sudan's Equatoria state with little to eat amid continuing clashes, the UN's refugee agency said. UNHCR spokesperson Rocco Nuri told Radio Tamazuj that recent fighting in Western Equatoria has forced from their homes a total of 3,200 refugees who had been living there, The refugees are mostly from Democratic Republic of Congo and sought asylum in South Sudan starting from 2008 after fleeing attacks by the Lord's Resistance Army in their home country, Nuri said. While about 2000 returned to DRC's Dungu Province, those who are still stuck in South Sudan told UNHCR staff that they are in a dire situation, with limited food and little or no access to health care, the spokesperson said. "As clashes continue nearby Ezo, they fear for their lives and want to move to safer areas," Nuri said. "As we have been unable t...
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Aid groups, UN move refugees to safety after W Equatoria clashes
Radio Tamazuj, 28/01/2016
Thirty Congolese refugees have been rescued from their hiding places in Ezo county of Western Equatoria state and brought to safety in Makpandu refugee camp in Yambio county, said refugee agency UNHCR. The refugees had been living in Ezo for several years after fleeing fighting in their own country, but were displaced again following clashes between 'Arrow Boys' and South Sudanese government soldiers over the last month, UNHCR said. The refugees were transported by UNHCR, South Sudan's Refugee Affairs Commission, and World Vision under armed guard of peacekeepers from the United Nations Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS). Ezo is in the far west of Western Equatoria state, along the Central African Republic border. Makpandu is some 220 kilometres to the east in Yambio county. UNHCR said they will continue to rescue any of the 3,200 refugees who were living around Ezo as needed, t...
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Thousands of civilians flee violence in South Sudan state
AP, 09/01/2016
JUBA, South Sudan (AP) — The United Nations refugee agency says a rise in fighting in a once-peaceful part of South Sudan has forced tens of thousands of civilians to flee their homes since December. Rocco Nuri, a spokesman for the agency, said Saturday that 23,000 civilians have fled their homes in South Sudan's Western Equatoria state, including 8,000 people who have left for neighboring countries. Many are hiding in forests are beyond reach of aid groups, he added. South Sudan's two-year conflict mostly focused in the country's northeast between government troops and rebel forces, but numerous militia have formed in Western Equatoria recently. Rafael Patrick Zamoi, the governor of Western Equatoria, said the government aims to make peace with insurgents but will crack down on those causing instability....
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