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South Sudan Situation
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South Sudan

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In Yusuf Batil camp, UNHCR completed the establishment of tree nurseries to promote environmental protection, with 7,000 seedlings planted in April. 08/04/2016
In Yusuf Batil camp, the refugee and host communities jointly opened a livestock market, with UNHCR’s help. 04/04/2016
In Maban camps, UNHCR handed over 4 police posts to the County Commissioner and the Police Commissioner to help the police enhance their protection services. 13/04/2016
In Maban, UNHCR scaled up services at Gentil hospital, with a 24-hrs emergency room and maternity ward, and adult and pediatric in-patient departments. 14/04/2016
In Juba, UNHCR opened a Community Centre at Gudele suburb to provide individual protection and legal counseling to refugees and internally displaced people. 21/04/2016
In Yida settlement, UNHCR kicked off in late April an operation to verify some 70,000 refugees from Sudan's South Kordofan. 28/04/2016
UNHCR and partners distributed more than 29,000 exercise books and school kits in refugee camps in Upper Nile and Central Equatoria, 26/04/2016
In Lasu, UNHCR and FAO organized an agriculture fair for 1,400 refugee and host community families to help them access seeds for the current planting season. 28/04/2016
UNHCR and partners immunized some 55,000 refugee children under five years against polio in Unity and Upper Nile. 29/04/2016
In April, 1,599 Sudanese refugees from South Kordofan State arrived in Yida, bringing the number of new arrivals since 1st January 2016 to 4,635. represent 30/04/2016

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