High Profile Supporters

Khaled Hosseini

War has forced millions of families to flee their homes

This is the most urgent story of our time

Khaled Hosseini’s most precious possession

Acclaimed Afghan-American author Khaled Hosseini knows what it’s like to be a refugee…

Khaled Hosseini tells Amina’s Story

Amina’s son had a turbulent beginning in life, the family hopes that his story will continue peacefully…

Khaled Hosseini’s reflection on refugee children

Afghan-born American author Khaled Hosseini visits a Syrian refugee camp in Kurdish Iraq and is moved by refugee children and the experience they have to go through.

Khaled Hosseini tells Nalene’s Story

American author Khaled Hosseini meets Nalene, a young woman supporting her family working in a beauty salon in the refugee camp…

Khaled Hosseini tells Yasser’s Story

American novelist Khaled Hosseini meets Yasser and is moved by the atrocities his young children have seen…

Khaled Hosseini supports Zal Khan

Acclaimed author Khaled Hosseini supports Zal Khan, who built a house through the assistance of UNHCR; He is full of joy because his children are now safe.

Khaled Hosseini tells Payman's story

Khaled Hosseini tells Payman's story

  Length: 2:26 Views: 337

Khaled Hosseini supports Sirajuddin

Khaled Hosseini set up The Khaled Hosseini Foundation, providing shelters to Afghan refugees; Sirajuddin, one of those refugees, tells his story…

Khaled Hosseini tells Alan’s Story

Khaled Hosseini visits Syrian refugee and straight A student Alan in Darashakran camp in Iraq; Alan dreams of being a doctor…

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Khaled Hosseini tells his refugee Story

UNHCR Goodwill Ambassador Khaled Hosseini knows what it’s like to be a refugee. He contributed to the 2013 Refugee Congress and spoke of the value of refugee stories…

Khaled Hosseini witness Syrian refugees’ resilience

Afghan-born American author Khaled Hosseini is moved by families desperate to provide for themselves and not to be reliant…

1 family torn apart by war is too many

Learn more about our work with refugees at UNHCR.org