Muhammad Hisyam Abdullah, Volunteer



“I’ve played a part in various charity works involving refugees of different ages and different backgrounds, and needless to say, each of those experiences touched me in one way or another. That was what inspired me to continue to be involved with refugees in whatever small ways that I can.

What touched me the most during the time that I spent with the refugees is their friendliness and eagerness to strive for success, against all odds. The children that I met during a trip to the aquarium were eager to explore and learn about almost everything that they saw there. The language barrier did not stop them from asking questions of their guardians, who in turn asked the tour guide at the aquarium. In all that excitement, they would still look out for each other to make sure that no one was left out from the group.

During the time that I spent with refugee youths at a bowling tournament in 2012 and at a refugee learning centre in 2013, I noticed how they were initially shy to interact with us, but quickly became friendly and open to talk about a lot of things. Whatever differences we had didn’t really matter at that point any more.

I will never forget my experiences with them. But the one that stood out the most was when I was with the refugee youths during the bowling tournament in 2012. For many of them, it was their first time playing bowling. The excitement shown on their faces when they played was priceless. Those who didn’t know how to play at first became quite good by the end of the game. We had such a great time, that no one really kept track of the scores. And after all that, we all went out for ice cream and just spent time talking with them. That, I believe, is something that I would never forget.”


Name: Muhammad Hisyam Abdullah, Volunteer/Donor

Nationality: Malaysian

1 family torn apart by war is too many

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