Muhammad bin Kamarulazizi, Volunteer

Mohammad kamarulazizi


“I’ve been quite close with a refugee community school in Selayang which has about 200 children, most of them from Myanmar. I am quite close with the headmaster of the school and he is also a refugee from Myanmar. What I can never forget is how he treats me everytime I’m there.

I helped the school in a small way by writing about the school in social media and it attracted people to come and visit and support the school. But it was just a small effort.

Because of what I did, he (the headmaster) was so pleased and he always treats me as if I am so special. He is also kind, he always pray for me and my family. And the best part is that, he will never show that he is having a hard time handling the school affairs, even though I know that getting funds for the school is quite challenging.

From my experiences, I will never forget the time I took 3 kids to visit a Science Centre at Kuala Lumpur City Center (KLCC). They were brothers, aged between 4-10 years old and all of them were orphans. They were so excited to go visit the Science Centre as a reward for being good at school. They were recommended by the headmaster.

I took them in the morning just after breakfast by car. They wore new clothes and I think this is their first time going to KLCC.

What struck me was that they were so amazed with my car’s power window. They kept pressing the power window button just to see the window go up and down. I realize how fortunate we are as Malaysians to live in peace and harmony. Compared to the kids, for what they have gone through is unthinkable. I was so happy to see the kids happy. And I will always continue to support them.”


Name: Muhammad bin Kamarulazizi, Volunteer

Nationality: Malaysian

1 family torn apart by war is too many

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