Aspalynna Mohd Aripin, Volunteer


“I have to say that the most touching experience that I have ever witnessed was when most of the refugee children who received a McDonalds Happy Meal decided to not eat their meal but wanted to take it home to share it with their family, and it was just a Happy Meal with a burger and small fries! They are still young, they don’t know how the world works yet, but they already have big hearts when they decided to share “something” with their families. And that “something” is just a meal from McDonalds which usually does not mean anything to us but just to feed our craving for fast food. Believe me, that experience was really a big slap in my face.

In addition, from this experience, I will never forget one refugee child whose name is Omaima and she’s 8 yrs old. She drew a drawing of me & her holding hands, and that was the very first time I ever received a drawing from a child (the drawing now is safely stuck on my fridge door). She is the most beautiful girl I have ever met, both inside & out. Whenever she sat beside me she would hold my hand. To tell you the truth, I’ve been married for quite some time now and I’ve been longing to become a mom, and Omaima gave me the opportunity to feel the goodness of having a daughter & mother relationship. I left the learning centre that day with tears of happiness.”

Name: Aspalynna binti Mohd Aripin, Volunteer/Donor

Nationality: Malaysian

1 family torn apart by war is too many

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