Ahmed’s Story, Niger

Photo by:UNHCR / H. Caux/2014

Photo by UNHCR/H. Caux/2014

Ahmed, 34 years old Malian refugee, in Intekane hosting area in Niger:

“I had come to the market in Tamalet, in northern Mali, to sell some of my animals. It was early November. Some fighting erupted between Tuareg rebels and Army soldiers. Several men were killed on both sides, as well as civilians who were just present at the market. It was so chaotic, I was afraid of being killed by a stray bullet. I managed to escape the scene, I left my animals behind, 6 goats and 3 sheep, and I walked straight to the border with Niger with my wife and my two year-old boy. I told my two older boys, who are 8 and 10, to remain in the bush to take care of my other animals. We have nothing else to survive.  I don’t want to return to Mali at this point, I am too afraid something bad could happen to us. We found safety here in Niger, it is better for me and my family.”

1 family torn apart by war is too many

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