Bushra’s Story, Yemen



12 year old Bushra has a smile that will melt your heart.  She was born a refugee in Yemen, of Somali origin. She lives with her parents and 6 siblings in a squalid urban area of Aden, where they eke out a living. Life as a refugee was already tough for Bushra – but an accident when she was still an infant has meant that she is handicapped, and able to walk only with the help of heavy braces. But nothing seems to stop Bushra.







Bushra left Yemen in November 2014 for resettlement in the USA:

Bushra,  happy and excited, at the airport with Ahmed Binsheba from UNHCR, Yemen. (c) UNHCR/2014.

Bushra, happy and excited, at the airport with Ahmed Binsheba from UNHCR, Yemen. (c) UNHCR/2014.


Video and Photo by UNHCR IP ADPSN-Aden.






1 family torn apart by war is too many

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