Latest UNHCR Statistics News

Showing 101-110 of 117 results
New statistical overview 18 August 2000

European asylum applications for April 2000 9 June 2000

European asylum statistics, first quarter 2000 5 May 2000

Africa Fact Sheet - Tables 1 May 2000

European asylum applications by citizens of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia for 1999 8 February 2000

European asylum statistics for 1999 21 January 2000

European asylum statistics for November 1999 21 December 1999

North Caucasus: registered IDPs top quarter million 14 December 1999

European asylum statistics for October 1999 3 December 1999

European asylum statistics for 1st 9 months of 1999 2 November 1999



Statistics on Stateless Persons

Chapter from the Global Trends Report 2013 on the issue of statelessness and table of statistics on persons of concern to UNHCR.

Annexes to Global Trends Report 2013, Table 7 on Statelessness.


Numbers are important in the aid business and UNHCR's statisticians monitor them daily.


Trends on asylum and protection in EU Member States.

UNHCR Statistical Yearbooks

These yearbooks follow major trends in displacement, protection and solutions.

Mid-Year Trends Rss FeedMid-Year Trends

Global Trends in persons of concern to UNHCR at mid-year

UNHCR Statistical Online Population Database

Standardized data on UNHCR's population of concern at country, regional, and global levels.

People of Concern in Africa

Statistics for the number of displaced people in Africa of concern to UNHCR


Identification of statelessness goes far beyond acquiring statistics on stateless populations.

Resettlement on Refworld

Refworld contains a wealth of documents related to resettlement, including statistics and legal, policy and background information.

UNHCR Asylum Trends, 2014

Levels and trends in Industrialized countries

Annexes (Excel tables) available for downloading here [zip file].

UNHCR Asylum Trends, First Half 2014

Levels and trends in Industrialized countries

Annexes (Excel tables) available for downloading here [zipped file].
Global Trends 2013: UNHCR Releases Annual Refugee StatisticsPlay video

Global Trends 2013: UNHCR Releases Annual Refugee Statistics

The UN refugee agency releases annual statistics showing that more than 51 million people were forcibly displaced at the end of 2013, the largest number since the end of World War II. Half of the world's refugees in 2013 were children.