
Lesson Modules
© UNHCR/R.Arnold

Bringing Cultural Riches

Refugees contribute to the culture of their host community. Some are well-known artists, painters, poets or novelists. Dante Alighieri created the major part of his work during his exile. Playwright Bertold Brecht, authors Thomas Mann and Franz Kafka, poets Pablo Neruda and Jorge Semprun, musician Miguel Angel Estrellas, painters Lucian Freud and Remedios Varo - all suffered periods of exile which, in some cases, deeply colored their work. The theme of exile can be studied in literature, the history of music and art.

9-11 year olds A Response Through Artwork
12-14 year olds Repatriation and Graphic Communication
15-18 year olds Art in Nazi Germany - When Art and Politics didn't Agree