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Easing the woes of refugees, asylum seekers in St. Petersburg

News Stories, 29 August 2008

© St.Peterburg Red Cross Society
Refugee women take part in a sewing course at a community centre in St. Petersburg. Photo courtesy of and

ST. PETERSBURG, Russian Federation, August 29 (UNHCR) It's known as the cultural capital of Russia, for its "white nights" summer festival when the sun never sets, and most recently for its football club that won the 2008 UEFA Cup final.

But what few people know about St. Petersburg is that, after Moscow, it hosts the largest concentration of refugees and asylum seekers in the Russian Federation.

Most asylum seekers in St. Petersburg and the Leningrad region come from Afghanistan, Iraq and parts of Africa. A few originate from the Commonwealth of Independent States, which gathers nine former Soviet republics.

As of July 1 this year, there were 31 refugees recognized by the Federal Migration Service departments in St. Petersburg and the Leningrad region, and 207 people with temporary asylum status a form of complementary protection for those who do not qualify for international protection under the 1951 Refugee Convention but can't return home for humanitarian reasons. UNHCR also identified 334 people as having protection concerns before January 28 this year.

Under the current Russian legislation, although asylum seekers and people with temporary asylum status are provided with documents legalizing their stay in the Russian Federation, they cannot easily benefit from social and economic rights without registered residence.

The latter group may register at their place of residence, but like asylum seekers, they have no access to free medical aid (except for emergency aid) and social benefits. As a result, they face serious problems when trying to settle down on their own and adapt in St. Petersburg.

In the absence of a temporary accommodation centre for asylum seekers, they often end up in private apartments and hostels. And without residence registration, they are easily subject to arrest by militiamen and other coercive measures.

To address these problems, the UN refugee agency provides them with legal counselling and assistance in courts, social and psychological counselling, basic medical care, support in integrating refugee children in local schools, small-scale vocational skills training for adults and Russian language classes.

The agency's main partners are the St. Petersburg Red Cross Society and the Centre for International Cooperation of the Red Cross Society (CICRC).

The Society provides social and educational support to urban refugees and asylum seekers in St. Petersburg and the neighbouring regions through its community centre and the women's cultural club. In first six months of 2008, 158 persons more than half of UNHCR's beneficiaries in the region visited the community centre in St. Petersburg on a regular basis. Activities such as the women's club, day-care facilities for children, country-of-origin classes, Russian language classes, vocational training and cultural events, have helped some refugees to find their own feet in a strange land.

"I have four children," said Khumaira Zarifi, a refugee from Afghanistan married to a car mechanic. "This year my daughter graduated with honours from school. For the graduation ball, I made a very beautiful dress for her. I learnt to sew in a sewing circle at the St. Petersburg Red Cross. I sew shirts and pants for my younger sons, too. They like to play football, and their clothes always need repair. My sewing skills make a good contribution to our family budget."

A graduate of Kabul University, Zarifi specializes in teaching Dari, one of the main languages back home. "Since 2006, I have worked as a teacher of Dari in the Red Cross Sunday School. I don't want Afghan kids to forget their native language, I want them to learn to read and write."

The CICRC, on the other hand, provides expert legal and social consultations, medical and psychological support. The latter two activities are part of the "Refugee House" project launched in 2005 with co-funding by the European Union and UNHCR. The building for the "Refugee House" was provided by the St. Petersburg authorities.

So far this year, 219 refugees and asylum seekers in St. Petersburg have used basic medical services; 42 children approached medical partners for check-ups; while sanitary materials were made available for all women of reproductive age.

The Red Cross' participatory approach in implementing projects involving refugees and asylum seekers, non-governmental organizations and city authorities has paid off. "I am a member of the public council under the governor of St. Petersburg, and chair of the City Commission on Human Rights," said Tatiana Lineva, head of the St. Petersburg Red Cross, and coordinator of UNHCR's project targeting assistance to refugees and asylum seekers. "This helps resolve certain issues emerging during project implementation."

They also work with various refugee groups, as well as the government of St. Petersburg, City Migration Service and the St. Petersburg Ministry of Interior Institute. Over the years, they were able to attract a number of donors to assist UNHCR persons of concern, including the European Commission and Magee WomanCare International.

The Russian Federation is a party to the 1951 Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees and its 1967 Protocol. The country has an established asylum system and the Federal Migration Service was set up more than 15 years ago. The national Law on Refugees was enacted in 1993 and amended in 1997. The law is currently being revised and UNHCR has provided extended comments on the latest draft, which needs to be discussed and approved by the State Duma.

By Vera Soboleva in St. Petersburg, Russian Federation




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UNHCR advocates fair and efficient procedures for asylum-seekers

Zero-Star "Hotel" that Asylum-Seekers Call Home in Dijon

France is one of the main destinations for asylum-seekers in Europe, with some 55,000 new asylum applications in 2012. As a result of the growing number of applicants, many French cities are facing an acute shortage of accommodation for asylum-seekers.

The government is trying to address the problem and, in February 2013, announced the creation of 4,000 additional places in state-run reception centres for asylum-seekers. But many asylum-seekers are still forced to sleep rough or to occupy empty buildings. One such building, dubbed the "Refugee Hotel" by its transient population, lies on the outskirts of the eastern city of Dijon. It illustrates the critical accommodation situation.

The former meat-packing plant is home to about 100 asylum-seekers, mostly from Chad, Mali and Somalia, but also from Georgia, Kosovo and other Eastern European countries. Most are single men, but there are also two families.

In this dank, rat-infested empty building, the pipes leak and the electricity supply is sporadic. There is only one lavatory, two taps with running water, no bathing facilities and no kitchen. The asylum-seekers sleep in the former cold-storage rooms. The authorities have tried to close the squat several times. These images, taken by British photographer Jason Tanner, show the desperate state of the building and depict the people who call it home.

Zero-Star "Hotel" that Asylum-Seekers Call Home in Dijon

Displacement in Georgia

Tens of thousands of civilians are living in precarious conditions, having been driven from their homes by the crisis in the breakaway Georgian region of South Ossetia.

On the morning of August 12, the first UNHCR-chartered plane carrying emergency aid arrived in the Georgian capital Tbilisi, the first UN assistance to arrive in the country since fighting broke out the previous week. The airlift brought in 34 tonnes of tents, jerry cans, blankets and kitchen sets from UNHCR's central emergency stockpile in Dubai. Items were then loaded onto trucks at the Tbilisi airport for transport and distribution.

A second UNHCR flight landed in Tbilisi on August 14, with a third one expected to arrive the following day. In addition, two UNHCR aid flights are scheduled to leave for Vladikavkaz in the Russian Federation the following week with mattresses, water tanks and other supplies for displaced South Ossetians.

Working with local partners, UNHCR is now providing assistance to the most vulnerable and needy. These include many young children and family members separated from one another. The situation is evolving rapidly and the refugee agency is monitoring the needs of the newly displaced population, which numbered some 115,000 on August 14.

Posted on 15 August 2008

Displacement in Georgia

Ingushetia: Internally Displaced Chechens

When fighting broke out between government troops and rebel forces in Chechnya in 1999, over 200,000 people fled the republic, most of them to the neighbouring republic of Ingushetia. Today, tens of thousands of Chechens remain displaced in Ingushetia, unwilling to go home because of continuing security concerns.

As of early December 2003, some 62,000 displaced Chechens were living in temporary settlements or in private accommodation. Those living in settlements face constant threats of eviction, often by owners who wish to use their buildings again.

Another 7,900 displaced Chechens live in tents in three remaining camps – Satsita, Sputnik, and Bart.

The authorities have repeatedly called for the closure of tent camps and the return of the displaced people to Chechnya. Three camps have been closed in the past year – Iman camp at Aki Yurt, "Bella" or B camp, and "Alina" or A camp. Chechens from the latter two camps who did not wish to go home were allowed to move to Satsita camp or other existing temporary settlements in Ingushetia.

Ingushetia: Internally Displaced Chechens

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Greece: Ramping up refugee reception

UNHCR staff are working with Government authorities, NGOs and volunteers on the beaches of the Greek island of Lesvos to receive cold, wet and fearful asylum seekers making landfall around the clock. They wrap them in thermal blankets and take them to warm, safe emergency accommodation at transit sites, with power and Wi-Fi connectivity.
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Sicily has a high number of asylum-seekers because of its location in the south of Italy. In 2011, Cara Mineo was set up to provide asylum-seekers with a place to live while their applications were processed. Today, more than 4,000 people stay there and must wait up to a year for a decision on their applications.