UNHCR aids refugees on the Greek Islands

News Stories, 6 November 2015

© UNHCR/A. Zavallis
UNHCR staff welcome newly arrived Syrian refugees at the Kara Tepe site and provide information regarding the site and the registration process.

GENEVA, Nov 6 (UNHCR) UN refugee agency staff have worked throughout the week to provide emergency shelter and support to thousands of refugees, migrants and the local host communities on the Greek Islands.

An estimated 20,000 refugees and migrants are currently on the Islands of Chios, Kalymnos, Kos, Lesvos, Leros and Samos, straining limited reception facilities and forcing many, including women and children, to sleep out in the open.

As boats packed with thousands of new arrivals continued to land on the Islands throughout the week, reception efforts were further stretched by a shipping strike that cut travel to and from mainland Greece for four days, until it was resolved on Friday (November 6).

"This situation has underscored UNHCR's repeated calls for improved reception conditions and increased reception capacity in Greece," UNHCR spokesperson William Spindler told reporters at a news conference in Geneva.

"The recent agreement of more reception places in Greece will be a key factor in stabilizing the situation, and supporting the relocation programme. UNHCR is working with the EU and Member States to support this initiative," he added.

On Lesvos, which is separated from Turkey by a 10-kilometre channel, there were an estimated 7,000 to 10,000 refugees and migrants midweek, most of them in and around the main city of Mytilini.

Hundreds were staying in the port area in tents and thousands at the Moria site. UNHCR supported Greek authorities by providing additional housing units and a large Rubb hall warehouse tent although huge demand forced many to sleep out.

In addition to transportation, UNHCR also distributed blankets, sleeping mats and high-energy bars to help those outside to stay warm, including women and children. Staff also used a public address system to inform people about the strike.

"UNHCR staff are identifying those with specific needs and prioritizing them for what little accommodation is available," Spindler said. "We are also erecting more family refugee housing units, but the overcrowding makes finding space extremely difficult."

Similar provisions were made to aid refugees and migrants on Chios where there were at least 1,700 new arrivals on Thursday, and Samos, where around 900 people arrived, exacerbating an existing shortage of accommodation.

Overcrowding has made aid distribution difficult, but UNHCR is identifying those with specific needs and facilitating registration. Food is being distributed by the municipality, the military, an NGO and volunteers. UNHCR contributes with high energy bars.

On Kos, good weather and calm seas meant continuing arrivals and another tragedy at sea yesterday that left a 4-year-old child dead and a 6-year-old missing. UNHCR staff report more Afghan and Iranian families arriving, although Syrians remain the majority. On the island, there are few local resources available for the refugees and migrants.

In nearby Kalymnos, the local community support network has provided good support for the arrivals, including accompanying survivors of a recent shipwreck to Kos for funeral services. About 250 refugees are currently on the island.

"Under these circumstances, throughout the islands, thousands of refugee women and children are having to stay out in the open at night, or in overcrowded and inadequate reception facilities, where they are exposed to all kind of risks, including sexual violence," Spindler said.

"Providing adequate shelter to them is essential in order to protect them and, with the arrival of winter, will soon become vital," he added.

Unaccompanied and separated children are a growing concern, with UNHCR helping in family reunification. UNHCR is also providing psychosocial assistance and legal aid to victims of shipwrecks. Volunteers and partners continue to be instrumental in filling some of the most acute gaps.

UNHCR will continue to support the Greek authorities on improving reception and registration on the islands. We are appealing for US$32 million for winter preparations in Greece. This is part of an overall US$96 million winter plan for Greece and the Balkans that we announced yesterday. For more details of that plan, visit our website.




Afghanistan: Rebuilding a War-Torn Country

The cycle of life has started again in Afghanistan as returnees put their shoulders to the wheel to rebuild their war-torn country.

Return is only the first step on Afghanistan's long road to recovery. UNHCR is helping returnees settle back home with repatriation packages, shelter kits, mine-awareness training and vaccination against diseases. Slowly but surely, Afghans across the land are reuniting with loved ones, reconstructing homes, going back to school and resuming work. A new phase in their lives has begun.

Watch the process of return, reintegration, rehabilitation and reconstruction unfold in Afghanistan through this gallery.

Afghanistan: Rebuilding a War-Torn Country

Rebuilding Lives in Afghanistan

With elections scheduled in October, 2004 is a crucial year for the future of Afghanistan, and Afghans are returning to their homeland in record numbers. In the first seven months of 2004 alone, more than half a million returned from exile. In all, more than 3.6 million Afghans have returned since UNHCR's voluntary repatriation programme started in 2002.

The UN refugee agency and its partner organisations are working hard to help the returnees rebuild their lives in Afghanistan. Returnees receive a grant to cover basic needs, as well as access to medical facilities, immunisations and landmine awareness training.

UNHCR's housing programme provides tool kits and building supplies for families to build new homes where old ones have been destroyed. The agency also supports the rehabilitation of public buildings as well as programmes to rehabilitate the water supply, vocational training and cash-for-work projects.

Rebuilding Lives in Afghanistan

The Reality of Return in Afghanistan

Beyond the smiles of homecoming lie the harsh realities of return. With more than 5 million Afghans returning home since 2002, Afghanistan's absorption capacity is reaching saturation point.

Landmine awareness training at UNHCR's encashment centres – their first stop after returning from decades in exile – is a sombre reminder of the immense challenges facing this war-torn country. Many returnees and internally displaced Afghans are struggling to rebuild their lives. Some are squatting in tents in the capital, Kabul. Basic needs like shelter, land and safe drinking water are seldom met. Jobs are scarce, and long queues of men looking for work are a common sight in marketplaces.

Despite the obstacles, their spirit is strong. Returning Afghans – young and old, women and men – seem determined to do their bit for nation building, one brick at a time.

Posted on 31 January 2008

The Reality of Return in Afghanistan

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