EU Instruments

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© UNHCR/B.Szandelszky

European States have a long tradition of providing a safe haven to the persecuted and the protection of fundamental rights is embedded in Europe's identity. EU Member States have committed to creating a Common European Asylum System (CEAS). UNHCR welcomes this ambitious and unprecedented process, and is supporting Member States in their harmonization efforts.

EU Instruments

Consult UNHCR's comments on EU instruments.




Safe At Last

Law and Practice in Selected EU Member States with Respect to Asylum-Seekers Fleeing Indiscriminate Violence.

Improving Asylum Procedures

A UNHCR research project on the application of key provisions of the asylum procedures directive in selected Member States.

Improving Asylum Procedures

Detailed research on key asylum procedures directive provisions.

UN High Commissioner for Refugees, Asylum in the European Union

A Study of the Implementation of the Qualification Directive, November 2007.

The Dublin II Regulation

A UNHCR Discussion Paper.

Poland Chairs EU Conference on Asylum System

UNHCR's Volker Türk discusses development of the Common European Asylum System.