Refugee self-reliance in Africa boosted by IKEA Foundation support

News Stories, 9 July 2015

© UNHCR/ P. Absalon
Refugees in Goudoubou camp, in Burkina Faso' Sahel region, will benefit from the IKEA Foundation grant. The funding will enable them to take part in a multi-year project to develop sustainable dairy micro-enterprises. The camp hosts some 10,000 Malians who fled conflict in the northern part of their country.

GENEVA, JULY 8 (UNHCR) Last month, Ethiopia was home to over 700,000 refugees, reinforcing its position as the largest refugee-hosting country in Africa and the fifth largest worldwide. At the same time a dire situation prevails in the Sahel region of Burkina Faso, which currently hosts the vast majority 94 per cent of the 33,692 Malian refugees who have fled violence in that country.

While security conditions in the region do not encourage UNHCR to promote the return home of these refugees and UNHCR's current level of funding continues to decline, it is becoming increasingly important to engage and foster private sector partnerships in the search for innovative new solutions to assist people who have been forced to flee their homes due to persecution and conflict.

UNHCR has quickly set about creating a number of key partnerships to support the creation of new processes and use technology to improve the lives of displaced people.

Of outmost importance is the partnership with IKEA, UNHCR's largest private sector partner. IKEA Foundation has helped UNHCR in finding innovative solutions, providing technical expertise and financial support. An example of such important support is IKEA's most recent donation of 38 million Euro to be used to support self-reliance efforts of both refugees and the local people hosting them who also need support.

This two year grant aims to make refugees and heavily stretched host communities more resilient in Burkina Faso and Ethiopia by supporting self-reliance initiatives, improving basic services and fostering peaceful co-existence.

"We are grateful to the IKEA Foundation for their unwavering support to people who have been forced to flee their homes," said UN High Commissioner for Refugees António Guterres. "Thanks to the Foundation's continued backing, hundreds of thousands of refugees in Ethiopia, Burkina Faso and other locations will be able to build better lives for themselves and their children."

The partnership with the IKEA foundation started in 2010 with a modest project to strengthen UNHCR's capacity to implement its operations more effectively. Since then, the IKEA Foundation has become UNHCR's biggest private sector partner in activities to help refugees to become more self-reliant less depended on humanitarian aid.

Specifically, the most recent support from the IKEA Foundation will help more than 200,000 Somali refugees in five refugee camps in the Dollo Ado region achieve self-reliance and address refugees' energy needs in a sustainable manner, as well as environmental rehabilitation programmes in and around the Dollo Ado refugee camps.

IKEA Foundation's latest contribution will also support refugees in Burkina Faso's Sahel region. In this dry region, these refugees together with local communities are mostly pastoralists, who own cows, goats, sheep, donkeys, and camels, and their traditional diet consists of milk and millet. Though, due to the distance to their livestock, the refugees appear to be unable to access milk on a regular basis. This high demand and this low supply combined have had a negative impact on the health of the populations, notably children in refugee camps, some of which remain malnourished despite the food assistance of UNHCR's partners.

"I arrived in Burkina Faso with my family from Timbuktu on 5 February 2012. I own livestock, but my animals are far away from the camp. I want to take part in the project as a milk producer, working closely with the local population," said Mohammed, a livestock farmer in Burkina Faso.

IKEA support will enable thousands of people like Mohammed to earn an income, participate in their local communities and keep their children in school.

Per Heggenes, CEO of the IKEA Foundation added: "We believe that every child deserves a quality education, a sustainable family income and a healthy start in life. That's why we are supporting UNHCR's work to bring education and clean energy to refugees living in UNHCR camps and to help refugee families become more self-reliant. We want their children to have better opportunities for the future."




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Bonga Camp, Ethiopia

Bonga camp is located in the troubled Gambella region of western Ethiopia. But it remains untouched by the ethnic conflicts that have torn nearby Gambella town and Fugnido camp in the last year.

For Bonga's 17,000 Sudanese refugees, life goes on despite rumblings in the region. Refugee children continue with school and play while their parents make ends meet by supplementing UNHCR assistance with self-reliance projects.

Cultural life is not forgotten, with tribal ceremonies by the Uduk majority. Other ethnic communities – Shuluks, Nubas and Equatorians – are welcome too, judging by how well hundreds of newcomers have settled in after their transfer from Fugnido camp in late 2002.

Bonga Camp, Ethiopia

Crossing the Gulf of Aden

Every year thousands of people in the Horn of Africa - mainly Somalis and Ethiopians - leave their homes out of fear or pure despair, in search of safety or a better life. They make their way over dangerous Somali roads to Bossaso in the northern semi-autonomous region of Puntland.

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Crossing the Gulf of Aden


In February 2005, one of the last groups of Somalilander refugees to leave Aisha refugee camp in eastern Ethiopia boarded a UNHCR convoy and headed home to Harrirad in North-west Somalia - the self-declared independent state of Somaliland. Two years ago Harrirad was a tiny, sleepy village with only 67 buildings, but today more than 1,000 people live there, nearly all of whom are former refugees rebuilding their lives.

As the refugees flow back into Somalia, UNHCR plans to close Aisha camp by the middle of the year. The few remaining refugees in Aisha - who come from southern Somalia - will most likely be moved to the last eastern camp, Kebribeyah, already home to more than 10,000 refugees who cannot go home to Mogadishu and other areas in southern Somalia because of continuing lawlessness there. So far refugees have been returning to only two areas of the country - Somaliland and Puntland in the north-east.


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