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UNHCR hands over school to Zambian government

News Stories, 27 April 2005

© UNHCR/K.Shimo
Refugee children performing at the handover ceremony of Kalabwe secondary school in northern Zambia's Mporokoso district.

MPOROKOSO, Zambia, April 27 (UNHCR) The UN refugee agency this week handed over a secondary school to the Zambian government, a move that will improve education prospects for both local and refugee youths in northern Zambia.

The handover ceremony took place on Monday at Mwange refugee camp in Mporokoso, a town in Zambia's Northern province. UNHCR staff members, senior provincial, district and traditional authorities basked in the festive air, enjoying the ululating and dances by refugees and the Zambian host community.

The new school Kalabwe Secondary School was built by UNHCR at a cost of ZK320 million (more than US$66,000) after the agency and the Zambian Education Ministry identified the need for an additional secondary school in the district. The new school consists of an administration block, three classroom blocks with a total of nine rooms, and has the capacity to seat 600 students. It is expected eventually to provide higher education to children from nine basic schools and 10 community schools in the area.

Gabriel Kaunda, the Northern Province's Deputy Permanent Secretary, received the school on behalf of the Zambian government. He explained that for a long time now, Mporokoso district had only one secondary school which, owing to limited places, could not cater for many eligible school-going children.

In this regard, he thanked UNHCR for ensuring that its assistance does not only benefit refugees, but the host community as well. "I wish to commend the strong partnership my government continues to enjoy with UNHCR," he said. "I also wish to advise the beneficiaries to look after the property properly."

While Monday's handover gave the authorities the right to use the new school, the Zambian Ministry of Education is expected to assume total ownership of it and will ensure its sustainability in line with the guiding principles of the ministry.

UNHCR's Regional Representative in Zambia, Ahmed Said Farah, assured the crowd of the refugee agency's commitment to providing protection and assistance to refugees, at the same time ensuring that the host community benefits from various services rendered to refugees, such as education and health.

"I am glad that we are doing our best to help make the lives of refugee-hosting communities and refugees here as dignified as possible through these essential facilities and infrastructure," he said.

Patrick Kamona, a refugee leader at Mwange, said that for a long time, refugees in the camp could only study up to Grade Nine. Therefore, the opening of the school would enable the refugees to attain higher education.

Another refugee, Eva Samalesu, noted that the school would enhance harmonious co-existence between the refugees and the host community.

Most of Zambia's refugee camps and settlements are located in remote and the least developed parts of the country. Despite limited resources, these areas have to bear the impact of hosting refugees.

Starting in April 2003 under a joint government/UNHCR project with support from various donors, the Zambia Initiative has been working steadily to reduce poverty and promote development among refugees and their host community in the country's Western province. The area is one of the least developed parts of Zambia, and hosts the biggest number of refugees, mostly from Angola.

UNHCR's Farah noted that although the implementation of the Zambia Initiative will extend to North Western Province this year, UNHCR will continue to play a catalytic role to lobby donors to provide funds to assist refugee-hosting communities in Northern and Luapula provinces hosting Congolese refugees.

By Kelvin Shimo in Mporokoso, Zambia




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Education is vital in restoring hope and dignity to young people driven from their homes.

DAFI Scholarships

The German-funded Albert Einstein German Academic Refugee Initiative provides scholarships for refugees to study in higher education institutes in many countries.

Chad: Education in Exile

UNHCR joins forces with the Ministry of Education and NGO partners to improve education for Sudanese refugees in Chad.

The ongoing violence in Sudan's western Darfur region has uprooted two million Sudanese inside the country and driven some 230,000 more over the border into 12 refugee camps in eastern Chad.

Although enrolment in the camp schools in Chad is high, attendance is inconsistent. A shortage of qualified teachers and lack of school supplies and furniture make it difficult to keep schools running. In addition, many children are overwhelmed by household chores, while others leave school to work for local Chadian families. Girls' attendance is less regular, especially after marriage, which usually occurs by the age of 12 or 13. For boys and young men, attending school decreases the possibility of recruitment by various armed groups operating in the area.

UNHCR and its partners continue to provide training and salaries for teachers in all 12 refugee camps, ensuring a quality education for refugee children. NGO partners maintain schools and supply uniforms to needy students. And UNICEF is providing books, note pads and stationary. In August 2007 UNHCR, UNICEF and Chad's Ministry of Education joined forces to access and improve the state of education for Sudanese uprooted by conflict in Darfur.

UNHCR's ninemillion campaign aims to provide a healthy and safe learning environment for nine million refugee children by 2010.

Chad: Education in Exile

Education for Displaced Colombians

UNHCR works with the government of Colombia to address the needs of children displaced by violence.

Two million people are listed on Colombia's National Register for Displaced People. About half of them are under the age of 18, and, according to the Ministry of Education, only half of these are enrolled in school.

Even before displacement, Colombian children attending school in high-risk areas face danger from land mines, attacks by armed groups and forced recruitment outside of schools. Once displaced, children often lose an entire academic year. In addition, the trauma of losing one's home and witnessing extreme violence often remain unaddressed, affecting the child's potential to learn. Increased poverty brought on by displacement usually means that children must work to help support the family, making school impossible.

UNHCR supports the government's response to the educational crisis of displaced children, which includes local interventions in high-risk areas, rebuilding damaged schools, providing school supplies and supporting local teachers' organizations. UNHCR consults with the Ministry of Education to ensure the needs of displaced children are known and planned for. It also focuses on the educational needs of ethnic minorities such as the Afro-Colombians and indigenous people.

UNHCR's ninemillion campaign aims to provide a healthy and safe learning environment for nine million refugee children by 2010.

Education for Displaced Colombians

Iraqi Children Go To School in Syria

UNHCR aims to help 25,000 refugee children go to school in Syria by providing financial assistance to families and donating school uniforms and supplies.

There are some 1.4 million Iraqi refugees living in Syria, most having fled the extreme sectarian violence sparked by the bombing of the Golden Mosque of Samarra in 2006.

Many Iraqi refugee parents regard education as a top priority, equal in importance to security. While in Iraq, violence and displacement made it difficult for refugee children to attend school with any regularity and many fell behind. Although education is free in Syria, fees associated with uniforms, supplies and transportation make attending school impossible. And far too many refugee children have to work to support their families instead of attending school.

To encourage poor Iraqi families to register their children, UNHCR plans to provide financial assistance to at least 25,000 school-age children, and to provide uniforms, books and school supplies to Iraqi refugees registered with UNHCR. The agency will also advise refugees of their right to send their children to school, and will support NGO programmes for working children.

UNHCR's ninemillion campaign aims to provide a healthy and safe learning environment for nine million refugee children by 2010.

Iraqi Children Go To School in Syria

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