1 Family: In Nepal, family torn between new life and leaving loved ones behind

News Stories, 17 June 2013

Under a major resettlement programme, most refugees from Bhutan have left Nepal for other countries since 2007. But those remaining face difficult decisions; if they leave, they may never again see the relatives left behind in the region.

DAMAK, Nepal, June 17 (UNHCR) Seventy-nine-year-old Keshar Singh Rai vividly remembers the day he started his life as a refugee. It was August 1992, when he came to Nepal from Bhutan with his wife Bhai Maya Rai and their three sons.

"Before leaving Bhutan we were in the greatest dilemma of our life. We made a very difficult decision to leave Bhutan without our eldest son and two daughters," said Keshar Singh, with tears rolling down his cheeks. Their eldest son was in a different town for work and two daughters were already married and living with their husbands' families.

For the last 20 years, Keshar Singh and his family have been living in Beldangi refugee camp in eastern Nepal. His three sons got married and have their own families. The patriarch and his wife now live with his second son, Harka Singh Rai.

Lately they have been grappling with another major dilemma concerning their future.

A major resettlement programme has been under way in the camps for the refugees from Bhutan since 2007. Nearly 80,000 refugees have already departed from Nepal and started their lives afresh in eight different countries.

Of the original population of 108,000, only some 37,000 refugees from Bhutan now remain in camps in eastern Nepal. With the large number of resettlement departures, the camps have been merged and closed. Currently there are only two camps hosting these refugees Beldangi and Sanischare.

"It is a very difficult decision on whether to go for resettlement or not. We have lived a major part of our life in Nepal which is like our second home," said Keshar Singh, describing the similarities between Bhutan and Nepal the mountains, climate, language and religion.

His wife Bhai Maya, 77, does not remember much about Bhutan but becomes quite emotional while talking about their future. "All these years we had the hope that someday we would return to Bhutan, but the hope is dying."

The couple discuss their future with their sons in the camps regularly and are sure that eventually they will choose resettlement. "We just want to wait for some time to hear from our eldest son in Bhutan before we take the final decision," said Keshar Singh. "He is our son, whom we have not met for the last 20 years, and I want to meet him or hear from him once before we go to a distant land."

Keshar Singh understands that his wish is a difficult one. At the same time he laments that once resettled he may never meet his son and daughters in Bhutan again. Harka Singh agrees with his father's decision. "We will go for resettlement for the future of our children. My cousins left for Atlanta [in the United States] last year and they are doing very well they have job, kids are doing well in school and recently they bought a house and a car."

Acknowledging that they will choose resettlement eventually, Bhai Maya prefers to leave together with her family. "I would want at least my sons who live with us in the camp to be together wherever we are resettled."

Meanwhile, the UN refugee agency continues to inform refugees in the camps that the opportunity to resettle in a new country will not be permanently available and if they are interested in resettlement they must start the process at the earliest. At the same time, UNHCR, through mobile information counselling in the camps, helps families resolve such dilemmas, providing in-depth and targeted information on solutions.

Under one of the largest resettlement programmes globally, nearly 80,000 refugees from Bhutan have begun new lives in the United States, Australia, Canada, Denmark, New Zealand, the Netherlands, Norway and the United Kingdom.

Six years into the programme, there is still a steady stream of interest in resettlement from the refugee population. Amongst the over 37,000 remaining refugees, some 28,500 have thus far expressed an interest in resettlement.

By Nini Gurung in Damak, Nepal




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Resettlement from Tunisia's Choucha Camp

Between February and October 2011, more than 1 million people crossed into Tunisia to escape conflict in Libya. Most were migrant workers who made their way home or were repatriated, but the arrivals included refugees and asylum-seekers who could not return home or live freely in Tunisia.

UNHCR has been trying to find solutions for these people, most of whom ended up in the Choucha Transit Camp near Tunisia's border with Libya. Resettlement remains the most viable solution for those registered as refugees at Choucha before a cut-off date of December 1, 2011.

As of late April, 14 countries had accepted 2,349 refugees for resettlement, 1,331 of whom have since left Tunisia. The rest are expected to leave Choucha later this year. Most have gone to Australia, Norway and the United States. But there are a more than 2,600 refugees and almost 140 asylum-seekers still in the camp. UNHCR continues to advocate with resettlement countries to find solutions for them.

Resettlement from Tunisia's Choucha Camp

Abdu finds his voice in Germany

When bombs started raining down on Aleppo, Syria, in 2012, the Khawan family had to flee. According to Ahmad, the husband of Najwa and father of their two children, the town was in ruins within 24 hours.

The family fled to Lebanon where they shared a small flat with Ahmad's two brothers and sisters and their children. Ahmad found sporadic work which kept them going, but he knew that in Lebanon his six-year-old son, Abdu, who was born deaf, would have little chance for help.

The family was accepted by Germany's Humanitarian Assistance Programme and resettled into the small central German town of Wächtersbach, near Frankfurt am Main. Nestled in a valley between two mountain ranges and a forest, the village has an idyllic feel.

A year on, Abdu has undergone cochlear implant surgery for the second time. He now sports two new hearing aids which, when worn together, allow him to hear 90 per cent. He has also joined a regular nursery class, where he is learning for the first time to speak - German in school and now Arabic at home. Ahmed is likewise studying German in a nearby village, and in two months he will graduate with a language certificate and start looking for work. He says that he is proud at how quickly Abdu is learning and integrating.

Abdu finds his voice in Germany

Through the Clouds to Germany: One Syrian Family's Journey

On Wednesday, Germany launched a humanitarian programme to provide temporary shelter and safety to up to 5,000 of the most vulnerable Syrian refugees in neighbouring countries. A first group of 107 flew to Hanover in the northern city of Hanover. They will attend cultural orientation courses to prepare them for life over the next two years in Germany, where they will be able to work, study and access basic services. Among the group are Ahmad and his family, including a son who is deaf and needs constant care that was not available in Lebanon. The family fled from Syria in late 2012 after life became too dangerous and too costly in the city of Aleppo, where Ahmad sold car spare parts. Photographer Elena Dorfman followed the family in Beirut as they prepared to depart for the airport and their journey to Germany.

Through the Clouds to Germany: One Syrian Family's Journey

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