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Association Vasa prava / Udruzenje Vasa prava BiH

NGO Directory, 27 October 2011

Ramiza Salcina 45
Bosnia and Herzegovina

Tel: +387 33 789 105 or 115
Fax: +387 33 789 106
Email: vp-excecutive@smartnet.ba
Web: www.vasaprava.org




UNHCR country pages

Angelina Jolie in Bosnia

UNHCR Goodwill Ambassador Angelina Jolie met with forcibly displaced people on April 5, 2010 during her first visit to Bosnia and Herzegovina. The actress, accompanied by her partner Brad Pitt, called for steps to end the continued suffering of these victims of the Bosnian War after hearing their harrowing tales and seeing their grim living conditions.

Jolie was clearly moved by the spirit - and the ordeal - of the people she met and she pledged to highlight their case. Most of the people she talked to have been living in exile since the end of the 1992-1995 conflict. Jolie visited collective centres in the towns of Gorazde and Rogatica, where the inhabitants lack basic services such as running water.

The actress spent some time with a group of women who were raped or tortured during the war. Their tales left a deep impression on her. She also met a family of refugee returnees who were still waiting to move into their village home near the eastern Bosnian town of Visegrad.

Angelina Jolie in Bosnia

Serbia: Europe's forgotten refugees

A study of the lives of three Europeans who have been living as refugees in Serbia for more than 15 years.

Serbia is the only European country with a protracted refugee population. More than 90,000 refugees from Croatia and from Bosnia and Herzegovina remain there, victims of wars that erupted after the break-up of the former Yugoslavia in 1991.

These long-term refugees live under appalling conditions in dingy apartments and overcrowded collective centres – the nearest thing to refugee camps in modern Europe.

This set of pictures tells the story of three displaced people, the problems they face and their hopes for the future.

Serbia: Europe's forgotten refugees

Bosnia and Herzegovina: Siege of SarajevoPlay video

Bosnia and Herzegovina: Siege of Sarajevo

The siege of Sarajevo began 20 years ago. Lasting nearly four years, it became one of the most dramatic and emblematic events of the violent breakup of the former Yugoslavia.
The Siege of Sarajevo - 20 years afterPlay video

The Siege of Sarajevo - 20 years after

The Siege of Sarajevo - 20 years after