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2004 Annual Consultations with NGOs

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© UNHCR/B.Heger

In the week preceding the 55th Session of the Executive Committee to the High Commissioner's Programme, UNHCR held its Annual Consultations with Non-Governmental Organizations from 28 to 30 September 2004 in the Palais des Nations, Geneva. This year's Annual Consultations saw the largest turnout in the history of the event. Over 300 participants representing 222 NGOs, international organizations, and UN agencies from 80 countries attended. There was a significant increase - 114 - in the number of national NGOs represented.

The consultations were opened by the Assistant High Commissioner and featured nine Working Sessions and five Regional Sessions. These Consultations also provided the space for 15 side-meetings organized by participating NGOs. The Consultations focused on a range of operational issues of refugee protection which are of shared concern to all participating agencies. To the extent possible, a round-table format was encouraged so to promote greater dialogue and contact among participants. A special working session was held in plenary on the last day to discuss the perspectives of national NGOs from Asia and the Middle East working in the international scene. The Consultations were closed by the High Commissioner, Ruud Lubbers.

The 2004 Report on the Annual Consultations with NGOs highlights the main points of discussion in the working sessions and any conclusions reached. Included in annex to the report are the Agenda, a list of participants, a list of side-meetings held during the Consultations, and the NGO statements delivered to the ExCom and the High Commissioner's Forum.