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2015 UNHCR country operations profile - Jordan

| Overview |

Working environment

UNHCR 2015 Jordan country operations map

  • The operational environment in Jordan continues to be considerably affected by the security situation in the neighbouring Syrian Arab Republic (Syria) and the influx of Syrians into the country, as well as by developments in Iraq and Gaza in 2014.

  • Jordan provides asylum for a large number of refugees, including from Syria and Iraq. It has granted Syrian refugees access to services, such as health and education, in host communities. The Syrian refugee camps of Azraq and Zaatari were built on land provided by the authorities where they also ensure security.

  • Jordan continues to demonstrate hospitality, despite the substantial strain on national systems and infrastructure. In 2014, the Government published the National Resilience Plan 2014-2016, presenting "proposed priority responses to mitigate the impact of the Syrian crisis on Jordan and Jordanian host communities." The authorities' active engagement will likely influence the UNHCR-coordinated inter-agency refugee response.

  • Jordan is not a signatory to the 1951 Refugee Convention. Nonetheless, the Government refers to Syrians as refugees, and the protection space is generally favourable, although fragile owing to the country's own socio-economic challenges.

  • The 1998 memorandum of understanding (MoU) between UNHCR and the Government, partially amended in 2014, forms the basis for the Office's activities in Jordan. In the absence of any international or national legal refugee instruments in force in the country, the MoU establishes the parameters for cooperation between UNHCR and the Government.

People of concern

Syrians fleeing the ongoing violence in their country still constitute the majority of Jordan's refugee population, although large-scale arrivals witnessed in the first half of 2013 have since dropped significantly, due in part to the difficulty of getting to Jordan through disputed territories along the southern Syria border. Approximately 20 per cent of Syrian refugees reside in refugee camps, while the remaining live in non-camp settings.

As of 31 July, nearly 30,000 Iraqis were registered with UNHCR in Jordan; the majority from Baghdad. Third-country resettlement is expected to remain the primary durable solution for Iraqis in 2015 with approximately 1,500 departures. While the security conditions in Iraq explain the lack of interest in voluntary return, assistance and services are often insufficient to meet the needs of those refugees who remain in Jordan.

As of 31 July, over 5,000 refugees and asylum-seekers who were not of Syrian or Iraqi origin were registered: the majority are Somali and Sudanese, including many who have been in Jordan for an extended period of time. UNHCR conducts individual refugee status determination (RSD) for all non-Syrian asylum-seekers.

UNHCR 2015 planning figures for Jordan[1]
Type of population Origin January 2015 December 2015
Total in country Of whom assisted
Total in country Of whom assisted
Total 811,070 775,840 1,000,630 965,400
1. PoC planning figures in this table are based on trends and registration data from early 2014. In light of the evolving situation in the Syrian Arab Republic and Iraq, updated projections will be presented in any forthcoming appeals for supplementary requirements in 2015 for the Syria and Iraq situations, including the 2015 Regional Refugee and Resilience Plan (3RP).
2. Refugee figure for Iraqis is a Government estimate
Iraq[2] 58,050 22,830 57,140 21,920
Syrian Arab Rep. 747,360 747,360 937,830 937,830
Various 2,480 2,480 2,480 2,480
Iraq 700 700 700 700
Various 2,480 2,480 2,480 2,480

| Response |

Needs and strategies

UNHCR's foremost priority remains to ensure that Jordan's largely favourable protection environment is maintained in 2015, despite new arrivals of Syrians potentially further straining already limited resources. This could have a negative impact on Jordanian public opinion of refugees and make preserving the country's asylum space in the country challenging.

The organization will ensure international protection standards are maintained for all those of concern and provide the authorities with technical support to boost the capacity of national institutions dealing with them. Timely registration will ensure refugees' regular access to basic services, which is particularly important to prevent sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV) and for child protection. The Office will strengthen its outreach capacity and through the implementation of its urban policy, will aim to mitigate the impact of the presence of Syrian refugees on local communities.

The continuing influx of Syrians is likely to affect UNHCR's activities to address the needs of Iraqi refugees in Jordan. RSD and resettlement will remain essential protection elements for the Iraqi refugee population. The response will closely monitor the status of those refugees at risk of becoming more destitute, due to increasingly limited access to services and infrastructure, and UNHCR will review its strategy for them with government counterparts.

| Implementation |


UNHCR coordinates the overall refugee response in collaboration with the Government of Jordan. The 2015 Regional Refugee and Resilience Plan (3RP) will follow on from the 2014 Syria Regional Response Plan (RRP) as the main inter-agency appeal, setting a common strategy for the Government, UN agencies and NGOs regarding the Syrian refugee crisis. The Jordan chapter of the 3RP will form the main resource and partnership mobilization mechanism for the refugee response in 2015.

The sector chairs meet in an Inter-Sector Working Group, which in turn reports to an Inter-Agency Task Force composed of heads of humanitarian agencies, and chaired by UNHCR. The UNHCR Representative also briefs the Humanitarian Country Team (HCT) chaired by the UN Humanitarian Coordinator, which oversees humanitarian issues not covered by the refugee response.

UNHCR is an active member of the United Nations Country Team and will continue to participate in its working sub-groups and initiatives. The Office will continue to engage various entities, including Gulf donors, in funding the UN response, and cooperate with private-sector donors.

2015 UNHCR partners in Jordan
Implementing partners
Government agencies: The Jordanian Armed Forces, the Ministry of the Interior; the Ministry of Planning and International Cooperation; the Ministry of Public Works and Housing, Syrian Refugee Affairs Directorate
NGOs: Agence d'aide à la coopération technique et au développement, Arab Renaissance for Democracy and Development-Legal Aid, CARE International USA, Caritas Jordan, International Medical Corps, International Rescue Committee, International Relief and Development, Japan Emergency NGOs, Jordan Hashemite Charity Organization, Jordanian Hashemite Fund for Human Development, Jordan River Foundation, Mercy Corps, Noor Al-Hussein Foundation, Norwegian Refugee Council
Note: Selection of implementing partners for 2015 is still under discussion.
Operational partners
Government agencies: Family Protection Department of the Public Security Directorate (Ministry of Interior), the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Social Development
NGOs: Action Against Hunger, Agency for Technical Cooperation and Development, ActionAid, Adventist Development and Relief Agency, Association of Volunteers in International Service, CARE, Caritas Jordan, Global Communities, Center for Victims of Torture, Danish Refugee Council, Finn Church Aid, Fundación Promoción Social de la Cultura, Croix-Rouge française, Handicap International, International Catholic Migration Commission, International Medical Corps, Internews, INTERSOS, Islamic Relief, International Rescue Committee, International Relief and Development, Japan Emergency NGOs, Jordan Hashemite Charity Organization, Jordan Health Aid Society, KnK Japan, Lutheran World Federation, Muslim Aid, Madrasati Initiative, Médecins du Monde, Medair, Mercy Corps, El Movimiento por la Paz, Nippon International Cooperation for Community Development, Norwegian Refugee Council, Operation Mercy, Oxfam, Première Urgence - Aide Médicale Internationale, Questscope, Relief International, Royal Health Awareness Society, Save the Children Jordan, Save the Children International, Syria Relief and Development, Al Taghyeer, Terre des Hommes Lausanne, Terre des Hommes Italy, Triangle GH, Un Ponte Per, War Child UK, World Vision International

| Financial information |

The financial requirements for UNHCR's Jordan operation have increased dramatically, from USD 62.8 million in 2010 to a revised 2014 budget of USD 352.9 million, due to the needs arising from the Syria emergency.

The overall budget for Jordan in 2015 is set at USD 404.4 million, with the largest portion devoted to the emergency response for Syrian refugees. A shortfall in funding would require the reduction of core activities for refugees with critical needs, both in camp and urban settings, such as health, CRIs, cash assistance, and protection including services for women and children.

These figures are based on information available mid-2014. In light of the evolving situation in the Syrian Arab Republic and in Iraq, any changes in requirements will be presented in the 2015 Regional Refugee and Resilience Plan (3RP) for the Syria situation and in a Supplementary Appeal for the Iraq situation.

Source: UNHCR Global Appeal 2015 Update

UNHCR contact information

The UNHCR Representation in Jordan
Style of Address The UNHCR Representative in Jordan
Street Address 05, Abdul Kareem Al-Azzeh Street, Deir Ghbar, Amman, Jordan
Mailing Address P.O. Box 17101, 11195 Amman, Jordan
Telephone 962 6 550 2136
Facsimile 962 6 592 4658
Time Zone GMT + 2
Working Hours
Monday:8:00 - 15:30
Tuesday:8:00 - 15:30
Wednesday:8:00 - 15:30
Thursday:8:00 - 15:30
Sunday:8:00 - 15:30
Public Holidays 03 January 2016, New years day
24 April 2016, palm sunday
01 May 2016, Easter/labour day
25 May 2016, independence day
06 July 2016, eid al fitr
07 July 2016, eid al fitr
12 September 2016, edi al adha
13 September 2016, eid al adha
02 October 2016, Islamic new year
25 December 2016, christmas day
Comments 2015 Holiday Schedule HOLIDAYS OBSERVED DAY & DATE New Year's Day Thursday, January 1 Palm Sunday Sunday, April 5 Easter Sunday, April 12 Independence Day Monday, May 25 *Eid Al-Fitr Sun & Mon, July 19-20 *Eid Al-Adha Thurs & Sun, September 24-27 *Islamic New Year Thursday, October 15 Christmas Eve Thursday, December 24
Style of Address Representation Office Amman
Street Address 319-Wasfi Al-Tal Street, Khalda, Amman, Jordan
Mailing Address P.O. Box 17101, 11195 Amman, Jordan
Telephone 6 5302000
Facsimile 6 5516742
Time Zone GMT + 2
Working Hours
Monday:8:00 - 15:45
Tuesday:8:00 - 15:45
Wednesday:8:00 - 15:45
Thursday:8:00 - 15:45
Sunday:8:00 - 15:45
Public Holidays 03 January 2016, New years day
24 April 2016, palm sunday
01 May 2016, Easter/labour day
25 May 2016, independence day
06 July 2016, eid al fitr
07 July 2016, eid al fitr
12 September 2016, edi al adha
13 September 2016, eid al adha
02 October 2016, Islamic new year
25 December 2016, christmas day
Style of Address RO - Regional Office
Street Address #2 Abdul-Fattah Al-Maaytah Street, Al-Jandaweel Area, Next to Larsa Hotel, Amman, Jordan
Mailing Address P.O.Box 940033, 11194 Amman, Jordan
Telephone 6 5100 460
Facsimile 6 586 2331
Time Zone GMT + 2
Working Hours
Monday:8:30 - 16:00
Tuesday:8:30 - 16:00
Wednesday:8:30 - 16:00
Thursday:8:30 - 16:00
Sunday:8:30 - 16:00


Statistical Snapshot*
* As at June 2015
  1. Country or territory of asylum or residence.
  2. Persons recognized as refugees under the 1951 UN Convention/1967 Protocol, the 1969 OAU Convention, in accordance with the UNHCR Statute, persons granted a complementary form of protection and those granted temporary protection. It also includes persons in a refugee-like situation for whom refugee status has, for practical or other reasons, not been ascertained. In the absence of Government figures, UNHCR has estimated the refugee population in many industrialized countries based on 10 years of individual asylum-seeker recognition.
  3. Persons whose applications for asylum or refugee status are pending as at 30 June 2015 at any stage in the asylum procedure.
  4. Refugees who have returned to their place of origin during the first half of 2015. Source: country of origin and asylum.
  5. Persons who are displaced within their country and to whom UNHCR extends protection and assistance. It also includes people in IDP-like situations. This category is descriptive in nature and includes groups of persons who are inside their country of nationality or habitual residence and who face protection risks similar to those of IDPs but who, for practical or other reasons, could not be reported as such.
  6. IDPs protected/assisted by UNHCR who have returned to their place of origin during the first half of 2015.
  7. Refers to persons who are not considered as nationals by any State under the operation of its law. This category refers to persons who fall under the agency's statelessness mandate because they are stateless according to this international definition, but data from some countries may also include persons with undetermined nationality.
  8. Refers to individuals who do not necessarily fall directly into any of the other groups but to whom UNHCR may extend its protection and/or assistance services. These activities might be based on humanitarian or other special grounds.
The data are generally provided by Governments, based on their own definitions and methods of data collection.
A dash (-) indicates that the value is zero, not available or not applicable.

Source: UNHCR/Governments.
Compiled by: UNHCR, FICSS.
Residing in Jordan [1]
Refugees [2]
More info 664,102
Includes 32,800 Iraqi refugees registered with UNHCR in Jordan. The Government estimated the number of Iraqis at 400,000 individuals at the end of March 2015. This included refugees and other categories of Iraqis.
Asylum Seekers [3] 20,693
Returned Refugees [4] 0
Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) [5] 0
Returned IDPs [6] 0
Stateless Persons [7] 0
Various [8] 0
Total Population of Concern 684,795
Originating from Jordan [1]
Refugees [2] 1,767
Asylum Seekers [3] 1,539
Returned Refugees [4] 0
Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) [5] 0
Returned IDPs [6] 0
Various [8] 114
Total Population of Concern 3,420
Private Sector Contributions to UNHCR
Contributions since 2006
More info 2,816
As at 15 January 2015
2013 8,058
2012 0
2011 6,943
2010 0
2009 0
2008 0
2007 0
2006 0

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Angelina Jolie visits Syrian and Iraqi refugees in the Middle East

In her new role as UNHCR Special Envoy, Angelina Jolie has made five trips to visit refugees so far this year. She travelled to Jordan, Lebanon and Turkey in September 2012 to meet some of the tens of thousands of Syrians who have fled conflict in their homeland and sought shelter in neighbouring countries. Jolie wrapped up her Middle East visit in Iraq, where she met Syrian refugees in the north as well as internally displaced Iraqis and refugee returnees to Baghdad.

The following unpublished photos were taken during her visit to the Middle East and show her meeting with Syrian and Iraqi refugees.

Angelina Jolie visits Syrian and Iraqi refugees in the Middle East

Refugees prepare for winter in Jordan's Za'atari camp

Life in Jordan's Za'atari refugee camp is hard. Scorching hot in the summer and freezing cold in the winter, this flat, arid patch of land near the border with Syria was almost empty when the camp opened in July. Today, it hosts more than 31,000 Syrians who have fled the conflict in their country.

The journey to Jordan is perilous. Refugees cross the Syrian-Jordan border at night in temperatures that now hover close to freezing. Mothers try to keep their children quiet during the journey. It is a harrowing experience and not everyone makes it across.

In Za'atari, refugees are allocated a tent and given sleeping mats, blankets and food on arrival. But as winter approaches, UNHCR is working with partners to ensure that all refugees will be protected from the elements. This includes upgrading tents and moving the most vulnerable to prefabricated homes, now being installed.

Through the Norwegian Refugee Council, UNHCR has also distributed thousands of winter kits that include thermal liners, insulated ground pads and metal sheeting to build sheltered kitchen areas outside tents. Warmer clothes and more blankets will also be distributed where needed.

Refugees prepare for winter in Jordan's Za'atari camp

Refuge on the Sixth Floor: Urban Refugees in Jordan

For most people, the iconic image of refugees is thousands of people living in row upon row of tents in a sprawling emergency camp in the countryside. But the reality today is that more than half of the world's refugees live in urban areas, where they face many challenges and where it is more difficult to provide them with protection and assistance.

That's the case in Jordan, where tens of thousands of Syrian refugees have bypassed camps near the border and sought shelter in towns and cities like Amman, the national capital. The UN refugee agency is providing cash support to some 11,000 Syrian refugee families in Jordan's urban areas, but a funding shortage is preventing UNHCR from providing any more.

In this photo set, photographer Brian Sokol, follows eight families living on the sixth floor of a nondescript building in Amman. All fled Syria in search of safety and some need medical care. The images were taken as winter was descending on the city. They show what it is like to face the cold and poverty, and they also depict the isolation of being a stranger in a strange land.

The identities of the refugees are masked at their request and their names have been changed. The longer the Syria crisis remains unresolved, the longer their ordeal - and that of more than 1 million other refugees in Jordan and other countries in the region.

Refuge on the Sixth Floor: Urban Refugees in Jordan

Flight by Night: Syrian Refugees Risk the Crossing to Jordan in the Dark

Every night, hundreds of refugees flee from Syria via dozens of unofficial border crossing points and seek shelter in neighbouring Jordan. Many feel safer crossing in the dark, but it remains a risky journey by day or night. They arrive exhausted, scared and traumatized, but happy to be in the welcoming embrace of Jordan and away from the conflict in their country. Some arrive with bad injuries, many carry belongings. A large proportion are women and children. Observers at the border at night see these eerie silhouettes approaching out of the dark. Earlier this week, UN High Commissioner for Refugees António Guterres was among these observers. He and his UNHCR colleagues were moved by what they saw and heard at the border and earlier in Za'atri refugee camp, where arrivals are taken by the Jordanian military. The majority of the Syrian refugees move to Jordan's cities, towns and villages. Guterres has urged donors to set up special funds for the Syria crisis, warning of disaster if more humanitarian funding is not forthcoming soon. Photographer Jared Kohler was at the border when Guterres visited. These are his images.

Flight by Night: Syrian Refugees Risk the Crossing to Jordan in the Dark

UNHCR Special Envoy Angelina Jolie meets with newly arrived Syrian refugees in Jordan

UNHCR Special Envoy Angelina Jolie traveled to Jordan's border with Syria on 18 June at the start of a visit to mark World Refugee Day. She met with refugees as they were arriving and listened to their stories of escape.She urged the international community to do more to help the survivors of the conflict and the countries hosting them. "The worst humanitarian crisis of the 21st century is unfolding in the Middle East today," she said."The international response to this crisis falls short of the vast scale of this human tragedy. Much more humanitarian aid is needed, and above all, a political settlement to this conflict must be found." The war in Syria forced more people to flee last year than any other conflict in the world. In the past six months, the number has more than doubled to 1.6 million, of whom 540,000 are in Jordan. During her visit to Jordan, Ms. Jolie will join the UN High Commissioner for Refugees, António Guterres, to meet with government officials and refugees.

UNHCR Special Envoy Angelina Jolie meets with newly arrived Syrian refugees in Jordan

A New Camp, a New Home: A Syrian Family in Azraq

On April 30, 2014, the Jordanian government formally opened a new refugee camp in the desert east of Jordan's capital, Amman. UNHCR will help run Azraq camp, which was opened to relieve the pressure in Za'atri camp. There are currently nearly 5,000 shelters in Azraq, capable of housing up to 25,000 refugees. The first group to arrive included 47-year-old Abu Saleh and his family, who had made the long journey from northern Syria's Al-Hassakeh camp to Jordan. "When the fighting reached our village, I feared for my wife and children's lives, and we decided to leave and find safety in Jordan," said Abu Saleh, 47. The family were farmers, but in the past two years they were unable to grow any crops and lived without running water and electricity. He said the family wanted to stay in a place where they felt safe, both physically and mentally, until they could return home. Photographer Jared Kohler followed the family on their journey from the border to Azraq Camp.

A New Camp, a New Home: A Syrian Family in Azraq

As Winter Approaches, Syrians in Jordan Prepare for the Cold

As winter approaches and Syria's raging war shows no signs of abating, Syrian civilians continue their desperate flight across borders to safety. Most have fled with nothing and some arrive barefoot in Jordan after walking for miles without shoes to reach the border in the increasingly cold and harsh conditions. Their arrival at UNHCR's Za'atri camp reception area often marks the first time they have been in a warm area without fear since the war began. In the dawn hours when most people arrive, they appear as exhausted bodies under blankets. And when they wake, you can see the agony of their ordeal etched on their faces. Throughout the refugee camp, a cottage clothing industry has arisen on every street corner. Throughout the region, UNHCR and its partners are moving quickly to distribute thermal blankets, extra food rations and clothing to ensure that the least vulnerable refugees are protected. The following photographs were taken by Greg Beals, working for UNHCR.

As Winter Approaches, Syrians in Jordan Prepare for the Cold

A Mounting Struggle to Survive: Urban Refugees in Jordan

Much of the media coverage of Syrian refugees in Jordan has focused on the tens of thousands of people in settlements like Za'atri. But more than 80 per cent of arrivals live outside the camps, and are facing a mounting struggle to survive. After three years of conflict, they are finding it increasingly difficult to put a roof over their head, pay the bills and provide an education for their children.

Many have found homes near their point of entry, in the north of Jordan; often in disrepair, some still within earshot of shelling from across the border. Others have gone further south, looking for more affordable accommodation in Amman, Aqaba, Karak and the Jordan Valley. While most rent houses and apartments, a minority live in informal shelters.

From 2012-2013, UNHCR and the International Relief and Development non-governmental organization conducted more than 90,000 home visits to understand the situations of Syrian families and provide assistance where needed. The resulting report is an unprecedented look at the challenges 450,000 Syrians face when living outside the camps in Jordan, as they fight to make a new life far from home. Photographer Jared Kohler captured the life of some of these refugees.

A Mounting Struggle to Survive: Urban Refugees in Jordan

For Starters, a Tent: A Syrian Teacher Opens a School in Jordan

In the semi-rural area of Kherbet Al-Souk, on the outskirts of Amman, Syrian refugees struggling to get their children into crowded state schools have taken matters into their own hands. They have set up a simple school in their small informal settlement of about 500 refugees. The families had lived in Za'atri or Al-Aghwar camps, but moved out to be closer to other relatives and to access basic services in the capital. But ensuring education for all refugee children in Jordan has proved difficult for the government and its partners, including UNHCR. According to the UN, more than half of all Syrian refugee children in Jordan are not in school. In Kherbet Al-Souk, the refugee-run school consists of a large tent where the students sit on the ground with their text books. All of the students take classes together with the younger children in the front. Before, they spent a lot of time playing, but they were not learning anything. One refugee, Jamal, decided to do something about it. Photographer Shawn Baldwin met Jamal and visited the school in a tent. These are some of the images he took.

For Starters, a Tent: A Syrian Teacher Opens a School in Jordan

Za'atari Refugees Put Their Entrepreneurial Skills to Work

In Za'atari refugee camp, near the Syrian border in northern Jordan, a bustling market made up of barber shops, video game arcades, mobile phone stores and more is thriving, serving a resourceful population of almost 100,000 forcibly displaced people. What started out as a few shops selling second-hand clothing has developed into a shopper's delight of nearly 3,000 stores scattered across the camp. For locals strolling through what they dub the "Champs-Élysées," front load washers, pet birds, rotisserie chickens, lingerie and wedding dresses are just some of the diverse products on offer.

A UNHCR staff member who often visits the camp says all of the shops are illegal but tolerated, and the commerce has the added benefit of creating job opportunities and a more dynamic camp. Residents spend an estimated US$12 million in the camp's shopping district monthly. "Before it was really hard, but things are progressing and people are improving their shops," says Hamza, the co-owner of the Zoby Nut Shop. Photographer Shawn Baldwin visited the camp recently to capture its booming entrepreneurial spirit.

Za'atari Refugees Put Their Entrepreneurial Skills to Work

Non-Iraqi Refugees in Jordan

After Saddam Hussein's regime was toppled in Iraq in 2003, groups of refugees who had lived in the country for many years tried to leave the chaos and lawlessness that soon ensued. Hundreds of people started fleeing to the border with Jordan, including Palestinians in Baghdad and Iranian Kurds from the Al Tash refugee camp in central Iraq.

Aside from a few Palestinians with family connections inside the neighbouring country, the refugees were refused entry and free movement in Jordan. Thousands were soon stranded in the no-man's land between Iraq and Jordan or at the desert camp of Ruweished, located 60 kilometres inside Jordan.

Since 2003, Palestinians, Iranian Kurds, Iranians, Sudanese and Somalis have been living there and suffering the scorching heat and freezing winters of the Jordanian desert. UNHCR and its partners have provided housing and assistance and tried to find solutions – the agency has helped resettle more than 1,000 people in third countries. At the beginning of 2007, a total of 119 people – mostly Palestinians – remained in Ruweished camp without any immediate solution in sight.

Posted on 20 February 2007

Non-Iraqi Refugees in Jordan

Iraqi Refugees in Jordan

The UN refugee agency has launched a US$60 million appeal to fund its work helping hundreds of thousands of Iraqi refugees and internally displaced people. The new appeal concludes that unremitting violence in Iraq will likely mean continued mass internal and external displacement affecting much of the surrounding region. The appeal notes that the current exodus is the largest long-term population movement in the Middle East since the displacement of Palestinians following the creation of Israel in 1948.

UNHCR has warned that the longer this conflict goes on, the more difficult it will become for the hundreds of thousands of displaced and the communities that are trying to help them – both inside and outside Iraq. Because the burden on host communities and governments in the region is enormous, it is essential that the international community support humanitarian efforts.

The US$60 million will cover UNHCR's protection and assistance programmes for Iraqi refugees in Syria, Jordan, Lebanon, Egypt and Turkey, as well as non-Iraqi refugees and internally displaced people within Iraq itself.

Posted on 10 January 2007

Iraqi Refugees in Jordan

Jordan: Iris scanning program in action
Play video

Jordan: Iris scanning program in action

UN High Commissioner for Refugees Filippo Grandi visited an iris scanning identification programme during a visit to Jordan, where about 85 percent of the 630,000 Syrian refugee live in cities. The secure biometric programme ensures that the most needy receive the cash assistance they need much faster and more easily, allowing them to pay for food and rent.

Hoping for a new life in CanadaPlay video

Hoping for a new life in Canada

A new humanitarian programme will see 25,000 Syrian refugees chosen and flown to Canada within the next few months. UNHCR is assisting in the process that will offer thousands a chance at a new life in a new country.

 Jordan: Alaa's DAFI ScholarshipPlay video

Jordan: Alaa's DAFI Scholarship


Alaa is a young Syrian refugee who is attending a Jordanian university close to Zaatari refugee camp thanks to a scholarship from UNHCR's DAFI program. With demand outstripping the available scholarships through DAFI, more funding is needed to ensure bright young Syrians don't miss out on a university education.

Jordan: Azraq One Year AnniversaryPlay video

Jordan: Azraq One Year Anniversary

Syrian refugees living at Azraq camp in Jordan were given a taste of things to come, as they bought clothes, sweets and falafel and queued for haircuts at a temporary marketplace opened to mark the camp's first anniversary.

Jordan: Khaled Hosseini VisitPlay video

Jordan: Khaled Hosseini Visit

Bestselling author and UNHCR Goodwill Ambassador Khaled Hosseini visited Zaatari refugee camp in Jordan this week to meet with Syrian refugees fleeing the conflict. As the conflict enters its fifth year, the situation is getting more desperate for Syrians, some of whom will risk everything and cross dangerous waters to find safety in Europe.

Jordan: Winter Camp VisitPlay video

Jordan: Winter Camp Visit

Syrian refugees living in Za'atari refugee camp in Jordan are still trying to overcome the damage done by the storm that hit the region last week. On his second day visiting Jordan, United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Antonio Guterres visited the camp to see the impact of the damage. He was also able to hand them the key to their new home, a caravan that arrived part of a convoy to help those living in tents at the camp.

Celebrating 10 years of refugee resettlementPlay video

Celebrating 10 years of refugee resettlement

Jordan: Camp Life From a Child's ViewpointPlay video

Jordan: Camp Life From a Child's Viewpoint

A UNHCR photographic project, "Do You See What I See," lets young refugees in Jordan's Za'atari camp share their world and thoughts with others.

Jordan: Pope Meets With Syrian RefugeesPlay video

Jordan: Pope Meets With Syrian Refugees

Pope Francis visited on Saturday with refugees in Jordan, where he expressed deep concern for the humanitarian emergency caused by the war in Syria. For Joseph Sabra, the encounter brought renewed hope after years of loss and uncertainty.

Jordan: Sameh's Struggle with CancerPlay video

Jordan: Sameh's Struggle with Cancer

Sameh was only three when he was found to have a brain tumour. In Syria, he was able to get regular treatment. Now he is a refugee in Jordan and it is more difficult, but UNHCR has been helping the boy who longs to play with his friends and go back home.

Jordan: Waiting for the PopePlay video

Jordan: Waiting for the Pope

Pope Francis will visit Jordan on Saturday (May 24, 2014), where he will be meeting with refugees. The Sabra family, Christian refugees from Syria, will have the chance to meet the Pope face to face.

Jordan: A Young Boy's BurdenPlay video

Jordan: A Young Boy's Burden

Ibrahim has suffered too much for an 11-year-old. His mother and 3 siblings were killed by a bomb in Damascus, which left the Syrian boy with bad injuries. With the help of doctors in Jordan's Za'atari refugee camp, he hopes to once more walk unaided.

Jordan: UNHCR and Host Countries Discuss SyriaPlay video

Jordan: UNHCR and Host Countries Discuss Syria

UN High Commissioner for Refugees António Guterres meets in Jordan's Za'atari refugee camp with leaders of countries hosting Syrian refugees in the region. He again urged the international community to do more to help these countries shoulder the burden.

Jordan: New Refugee Camp OpensPlay video

Jordan: New Refugee Camp Opens

Jordan formally opens Azraq refugee camp in the desert east of the capital, Amman. UNHCR will help to run the camp, which has room for more than 100,000 refugees and was built to ease pressure on the Za'atri camp.

Jordan: Syrian Refugee Teacher Opens Camp SchoolPlay video

Jordan: Syrian Refugee Teacher Opens Camp School

An estimated 25 per cent of Syrian refugee children in Jordan are not enrolled in schools. Some of the refugees, former teachers, are addressing the gap by setting up their own schools.

Jordan: Syrian Refugees' Housing CrisisPlay video

Jordan: Syrian Refugees' Housing Crisis

Hundreds of thousands of refugees living in urban areas are struggling to survive. They face rising rents, inadequate accommodation, and educational challenges for their children.

Jordan: Shahad Finds her VoicePlay video

Jordan: Shahad Finds her Voice

Four-year-old Shahad is among hundreds of thousands of Syrian children suffering from the traumatic effects of the war in Syria. After a bomb attack on her family home, she stopped speaking.

Jordan: Malala Visits Zaatari Refugee CampPlay video

Jordan: Malala Visits Zaatari Refugee Camp

Malala Yousafzai came to the Zaatari Refugee Camp with a message: children here want a future… they have dreams and need schools.

Jordan: Beyond No Man's LandPlay video

Jordan: Beyond No Man's Land

In a remote area of north-east Jordan, hundreds of Syrian refugees arrive at an unofficial border point after walking for days and crossing a stretch of no man's land to reach safety.

Jordan: UNIQLO DistributionPlay video

Jordan: UNIQLO Distribution

Japanese retailer UNIQLO has begun a campaign at Za'atri refugee camp to provide winter clothing for up to 25,000 households living there. The project is done in conjunction with UNHCR and the Japanese Emergency NGO.

Jordan: Toy Distribution Play video

Jordan: Toy Distribution

The UK Pitt Rivers Museum and the UK Scouts and Guides Fellowship have collected toys from British school children to send to Syrian refugee children, based on their global partnership with UNHCR. The most recent shipment consisted of five boxes of toys that weighed more than 800 kilos.

Jordan: Coming Across The BorderPlay video

Jordan: Coming Across The Border

Recently over 1,300 Syrian refugees, more than half of them children, reached the remote Ruwaished area of northeast Jordan after walking for days in the desert.

UNHCR: Syrian Refugee Children In CrisisPlay video

UNHCR: Syrian Refugee Children In Crisis

UNHCR launches a report highlighting the suffering of Syrian refugee children in Jordan and Lebanon and the immense challenges they face.

Jordan: New Refugee Registration Centre OpensPlay video

Jordan: New Refugee Registration Centre Opens

UN High Commissioner for Refugees António Guterres visits a new registration centre in the Jordanian capital, Amman. The centre was opened to accommodate the growing needs of the many Syrian refugees living in Jordan.

Jordan: Winter Preparations in  Za'atari Refugee CampPlay video

Jordan: Winter Preparations in Za'atari Refugee Camp

As December approaches, Syrian refugees in Za'atari Refugee Camp work to protect themselves from what forecasters say will be one of the worst winters in decades.

Syrian Refugees:  Taking Taekwondo Classes In JordanPlay video

Syrian Refugees: Taking Taekwondo Classes In Jordan

Life in a refugee camp is tough. But with funding help from South Korea, young Syrian refugees in Jordan's Za'atri camp are getting fit and boosting their morale by taking Taekwondo classes.

Jordan: Yosra's Pain Play video

Jordan: Yosra's Pain

Jordan : Ramadan PrayersPlay video

Jordan : Ramadan Prayers

A joint Jordanian-Qatari initiative offers religious courses to Syrian refugees in Za'atri Refugee Camp

Jordan: Za'atari Camp One Year AnniversaryPlay video

Jordan: Za'atari Camp One Year Anniversary

One Year On: Jordan's Za'atari Refugee Camp mushrooms into major urban centre. The sprawling Za'atari Refugee Camp is now Jordan's 4th largest city

Jordan: Syrian ice cream in JordanPlay video

Jordan: Syrian ice cream in Jordan

Against the odds, Damascus' famous Bakdash ice cream makes it's way from war torn Syria to Jordan every two weeks. Syrian refugees in Amman gather for a taste that triggers memories of happier times at home.

Jordan: WORLD REFUGEE DAY Za'atri visitPlay video

Jordan: WORLD REFUGEE DAY Za'atri visit

UNHCR Special Envoy Angelina Jolie and High Commissioner for Refugees António Guterres call for diplomacy to stop the conflict in Syria.
Jordan: Angelina Jolie in conversation with refugeesPlay video

Jordan: Angelina Jolie in conversation with refugees

UNHCR's Special Envoy speaks with two Syrian women who have suffered the ravages of the war in their country.
Jordan: High Commissioner Urges Borders Stay OpenPlay video

Jordan: High Commissioner Urges Borders Stay Open

During his trip to Jordan to mark World Refugee Day on June 20, UNHCR High Commissioner António Guterres visited Tel Shihab border crossing where he urged all neighboring countries to keep their borders.
Jordan: Angelina Jolie meets Syrian Refugees at BorderPlay video

Jordan: Angelina Jolie meets Syrian Refugees at Border

The UN High Commissioner for Refugees, António Guterres, and UNHCR Special Envoy Angelina Jolie visited Jordan's rapidly expanding Za'atri refugee camp today to mark World Refugee Day, which is commemorated each year on 20 June. They toured the camp and met with individual Syrians who had fled the conflict.
Jordan: Refugee Radio Play video

Jordan: Refugee Radio

Syrian refugees take to the Jordanian airwaves to share advice and information.
Jordan: Separated FamiliesPlay video

Jordan: Separated Families

All along the border, fleeing Syrian families face separation when they try to cross into Jordan. It adds to the trauma of flight.
Jordan: Border ExodusPlay video

Jordan: Border Exodus

UN High Commissioner for Refugees António Guterres travels to Jordan's border with Syria and watches the nightly inflow of Syrian refugees fleeing conflict in their country.
Jordan: Border Village WelcomePlay video

Jordan: Border Village Welcome

Most Syrian refugees don't linger when they cross the Jordanian border. But in some cases, villages on the border have been offering shelter.
Jordan: Surviving in the CityPlay video

Jordan: Surviving in the City

Tens of thousands of the Syrian refugees in Jordan live outside camps. But life in cities, towns and even villages is expensive.
Jordan: Daytime CrossingsPlay video

Jordan: Daytime Crossings

The exodus of civilians from Syria keeps growing, with more and more people crossing into Jordan during the daylight hours along with those arriving at night.
Jordan: Born a refugeePlay video

Jordan: Born a refugee

Hundreds of Syrian babies are coming into the world as refugees in Jordan's Za'atri Camp.
Jordan: Helping the most VulnerablePlay video

Jordan: Helping the most Vulnerable

A former Palestinian refugee comes to the assistance of disabled Syrian refugees in Za'atri camp.
Jordan: Night ArrivalsPlay video

Jordan: Night Arrivals

Many of the Syrian refugees fleeing to Jordan opt to cross the dangerous border area at night, when they think it is safer.
Jordan: Thousands ArrivePlay video

Jordan: Thousands Arrive

As bulldozers prepare the ground for new tents at Jordan's Za'atri camp, Syrian refugees have been arriving in record numbers since the start of this year.
Challenges in Jordan's Za'atri CampPlay video

Challenges in Jordan's Za'atri Camp

Since the start of the year, more than 20,000 people have arrived in Jordan, stretching humanitarian resources to the limit. Many find shelter in Za'atri refugee camp.
Jordan: Angelina Jolie Visits BorderPlay video

Jordan: Angelina Jolie Visits Border

The UN refugee agency's Special Envoy Angelina Jolie meets a group of newly arrived Syrian refugees during a visit to the Jordan-Syria border.
Three Conflicts - Three CrisesPlay video

Three Conflicts - Three Crises

UNHCR says a multitude of new refugee crises in Africa and the Middle East are stretching its capacity to respond.
Jordan: Getting Health CarePlay video

Jordan: Getting Health Care

In Jordan's Za'atri Refugee Camp, dust and heat are taking their toll, especially on young children.
Jordan: Angelina Jolie on the Syrian BorderPlay video

Jordan: Angelina Jolie on the Syrian Border

UNHCR Special Envoy Angelina Jolie and the refugee agency's chief, António Guterres, meet Syrian refugees in Jordan and hear their harrowing tales.
Jordan: Responds to Refugee NeedsPlay video

Jordan: Responds to Refugee Needs

As the situation in Syria worsens, UNHCR is bracing for what may lie ahead. Relief efforts are underway and the UNHCR warehouse in the Jordanian city of Zarqa is filling with essential supplies.
Jordan: Working TogetherPlay video

Jordan: Working Together

As the number of refugees grows in Za'atari camp so do their needs. In less than a week, the number of refugees has tripled. UN agencies have adopted a co-operative approach to cope with the influx.
Jordan: First Syrians in new campPlay video

Jordan: First Syrians in new camp

Za'atari camp in Jordan has received its first residents – Syrian refugees from the Bashabsheh makeshift site. Five hundred have moved in as relocation continues from the border.
Jordan: New Camp for RefugeesPlay video

Jordan: New Camp for Refugees

As the Syrian influx continues, UNHCR is building Zaatari, a new refugee camp in Jordan with a potential capacity to host 113,000 refugees.