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United Nations Trust Fund for Human Security

In March 1999, the Government of Japan and the United Nations Secretariat launched the United Nations Trust Fund for Human Security (UNTFHS). The UNTFHS, open to UN agencies, started its activities under the management of the UN Controller. However, with no conceptual framework initially available, the majority of funding was directed towards developmental concerns including key thematic areas such as health, education, agriculture and small scale infrastructure development.

At the United Nations Millennium Summit in 2000, the UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan called upon the world community to advance the twin goals of "freedom from want" and "freedom from fear". As a contribution to this effort, an independent Commission on Human Security (CHS) was established. After two years of deliberation, the Commission submitted its final report, entitled Human Security Now, to the UN Secretary-General in May 2003.

Based on the recommendations of the CHS, the Advisory Board on Human Security (ABHS) was created to among others promote human security and advise the Secretary-General on the management of the UNTFHS. The ABHS held its first meeting on 16 September 2003 and, based on the final report of the CHS, agreed on new priorities for the UNTFHS.



Contributions to UNHCR
2011 Contributions chart
Contributions since 2000
More info 588,253
As at 8 December 2014
2011 837,296
2009 1,980,186
2008 1,951,625
2007 1,986,284
2006 1,060,273
2005 789,827
2004 326,542
2003 789,153
2002 2,058,657
2001 0
2000 1,250,000