Home > Who We Help > Children

Protection and Building Resilience
Almost half of the world’s forcibly displaced people are children and many spend their entire childhood far from home. Whether they are refugees, internally displaced, asylum-seekers or stateless, children are at a greater risk of abuse, neglect, violence, exploitation, trafficking or forced military recruitment. They may also have witnessed or experienced violent acts and/or been separated from their families.
However, children are highly resilient and find ways to cope and draw strength from their families and communities. By learning, playing and having space to explore their talents and skills, children can be active members of the community. UNHCR promotes the participation of children in the design and delivery of protection and assistance measures.
The UN refugee agency works to protect children of concern in partnership with children themselves, their communities, national authorities and relevant local and international groups, including the UN Children’s Fund (UNICEF) and non-governmental organizations. This includes, for example, conducting best interest assessments for vulnerable children, ensuring that unaccompanied or separated children have access to family tracing and reunification services, and engaging children through activities and education that build their skills and capacities.
UNHCR promotes non-discriminatory access for all children of concern to national child protection systems and is committed, in the spirit of partnership, to strengthening these systems where gaps exist.
Violence against Children of Concern to UNHCR
- Through the eyes of a child: refugee children speak about violence. A report on participatory assessments carried out with refugee and returnee children in Southern Africa, 2005-2007
- You told us about your lives! Children's views on violence, Osire Refugee Camp, Namibia
- You told us about your lives! Children's views on violence, Tongogara Refugee Camp, Zimbabwe
- Findings of the Participatory Assessment with Children in Marratane Refugee Camp in Mozambique
- You told us about your lives! Children's views on violence, Marratane Refugee Camp, Mozambique
Refugee Girls and Female Genital Mutilation
UNHCR's commitment to the elimination of female genital mutilation (FGM).