Réponse Régionale à  la crise des Réfugiés en Syrie
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Information sur le partenaire

TdH - Lausanne
Terre Des Hommes - Lausanne
Country Offices & Branches
Terre des Hommes Egypt (TDH Egypt)
A propos Terre des hommes is present in Egypt since 1983; presence legalized by an agreement signed with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The projects are implemented with the recognition of the Ministry of Social Solidarity (MOSS).

Tdh carries through its activities in Lower and Upper Egypt regions by supporting, monitoring and coordinating local NGOs and projects in order to improve the child situation. Tdh in Egypt focuses on the following areas of operation: Child Protection and Socio-educative integration of children with special needs.
Numéro de téléphone +20227943422
Email tdhcairo@tdh.org
Adresse 5 Dar El-Shefa Street, Garden City , Cairo , Egypt
Site Web http://www.tdhegypt.org
Community Services
Egypt, Egypt, Egypt
Egypt, Egypt, Egypt

Terre Des Hommes (TdH Jordan)
A propos Terre des hommes is an international charitable humanitarian federation which concentrates on children's rights.
In Lebanon, TdH's response to the influx of Syrian Refugees is focused on Education through the provision of remedial classes and recreational activities in Bekaa. Besides, TdH is also implementing Protection activities through Home visits in Aarsal.
Nom Anne Laure Baulieu
Numéro de téléphone +962 6 46 55 717/ +962 79 70 28 174
Email anb@tdh.ch
Site Web http://www.tdh.ch

Terre Des Hommes - Lausanne (TdH Lausanne Lebanon)
A propos Founded in 1960, Terre des hommes Lausanne is a Swiss organization which helps to build a better future for disadvantaged children and their communities, with an innovative approach and practical, sustainable solutions. Active in 34 countries, Tdh develops and implements field projects to allow a better daily life for over one million children and their close relatives, particularly in the domains of health care and protection.
Nom Gaël Rennesson
Numéro de téléphone T +961 (0)7 344 197 M + +961 71 54 21 98
Email gael.rennesson@tdh.ch               
Adresse Behind Najm Hospital, Sabraoui Building Hope 2 (1st floor), Hosh, Tyre - (Landline) +961 (0)7 344 197
Site Web http://www.tdh.ch                
Child Protection
Sour, South Lebanon, Lebanon
Saida, South Lebanon, Lebanon
Core Relief Items (CRIs)
Saida, South Lebanon, Lebanon
Sour, South Lebanon, Lebanon
Gender-Based Violence
Sour, South Lebanon, Lebanon
Saida, South Lebanon, Lebanon
Baabda, Mount Lebanon, Lebanon