Réponse Régionale à  la crise des Réfugiés en Syrie
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  Thursday, 18th February 2016 Displaying 1 to 10 of 258 events
YOUR SELECTIONS: x North Lebanon

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Thursday, 18th February 2016

10:00 AM - 12:00 PM

Basic Assistance WG - Tripoli

Location: TRIPOLI
Chaired By: UNHCR
Contact: Tarek El Haddad (alhaddad@unhcr.org)
Event created by rahal UNHCR Lebanon (04/01/2016)
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Core Relief Items (CRIs)
Basic Assistance Working Group - Lebanon
10:00 AM - 11:30 AM

Basic Assistance Working Group - Tripoli

Location: UNHCR Tripoli
Chaired By: UNHCR
Contact: Tarek Al Haddad (alhaddad@unhcr.org)
Event created by Adrian Combrinck UNHCR Lebanon (04/01/2016)
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Core Relief Items (CRIs)
Cash Assistance

Wednesday, 24th February 2016

11:00 AM - 12:00 PM


Location: UNICEF Tripoli
Description: Meeting to be held at the UNICEF Building.
Contact: Adrian Combrinck, Hania el Sekat (combrinc@unhcr.org, helsaket@unicef.org)
Event created by Adrian Combrinck UNHCR Lebanon (04/01/2016)
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Information Management

Thursday, 25th February 2016

10:30 AM - 12:30 PM

SGBV WG Meeting - Akkar

Location: UNHCR Qoubayat
Chaired By: UNHCR & UNICEF
Contact: Nisrine Khoury, Farah Hamoud (KHOURYN@unhcr.org, fhammoud@unicef.org)
Event created by Adrian Combrinck UNHCR Lebanon (04/01/2016)
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Gender-Based Violence
10:30 AM - 12:00 PM

WASH WG Meeting - T5

Location: UNHCR Tripoli
Contact: Elie Helal, Ronan Herve (helal@unhcr.org, herve@unhcr.org)
Event created by Adrian Combrinck UNHCR Lebanon (04/01/2016)
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Water & Sanitation
12:30 PM - 2:00 PM

Shelter WG Meeting - T5

Location: UNHCR Tripoli
Description: Last Thursday of Every Month
Chaired By: UNHCR
Contact: Ronan Herve, Mariam el Chaer (herve@unhcr.org, elchaer@unhcr.org)
Event created by Adrian Combrinck UNHCR Lebanon (04/01/2016)
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Monday, 29th February 2016

1:00 PM - 2:00 PM

Eviction Committee - T5

Location: UNHCR Tripoli
Chaired By: UNHCR
Contact: Nabil Frem (FREM@unhcr.org)
Event created by Adrian Combrinck UNHCR Lebanon (04/01/2016)
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Wednesday, 2nd March 2016

9:00 AM - 10:30 AM

Protection WG Meeting - T5

Location: UNHCR Tripoli
Description: (covering T5)
Chaired By: UNHCR
Contact: Carolina Mateos (mateos@unhcr.org)
Event created by Adrian Combrinck UNHCR Lebanon (04/01/2016)
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3:00 PM - 4:00 PM


Location: UNHCR Tripoli
Description: Co-chaired by UNHCR, NRC, DRC.
Chaired By: Anna Hirsch-Holland, Jesus Perez Sanchez
Contact: Jesus Perez Sanchez, Anna Hirsch-Holland (sanchez@unhcr.org, anna.hirsch-holland@nrc.no )
Event created by Adrian Combrinck UNHCR Lebanon (04/01/2016)
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Thursday, 3rd March 2016

10:00 AM - 11:30 AM

Education Partners Meeting - Akkar

Location: UNICEF Qobayat
Contact: Karim Ismat Rishani /Hassan Rajab (rishani@unhcr.org/ hrajab@unicef.org)
Event created by Aoife Along UNICEF Lebanon (07/01/2016)
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Education Partners Lebanon

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