DAFI scholarships open a window for Armenian girls in Moldova

Making a Difference, 4 April 2012

© UNHCR/J.McConnico
Asmic Sargsyan, who was born in Armenia, studies on a computer. She received a DAFI scholarship to study pharmaceutical technologies in Moldova.

CHISINAU, Republic of Moldova, April 4 (UNHCR) Asmic Sargsyan and Nora Manvelean were babies when the UN refugee agency launched its DAFI scholarship programme to help bright refugees get a tertiary education and the chance of a better future.

That was 20 years ago; today, the young Armenians are two of the first three refugees to study in Moldova under the Albert Einstein German Academic Refugee Initiative (DAFI). The scheme, funded by Germany, was set up in 1992 to help refugees become self-reliant and to improve their chances of finding a durable solution. More than 6,000 refugees have benefitted.

"DAFI has positively changed my life. All my fears disappeared when I received the opportunity to study what I love," said Manvelean, who is studying for a law degree at the Free International University of Moldova and hopes to contribute to the development of this country in the future.

"Now I don't have to worry about the tuition costs, which are fully covered," added the 25-year-old, who fled from Artashat in Armenia with her parents in 1992 because of religious persecution.

She said that thanks to her DAFI scholarship, she did not have to go out and work to pay her college fees and could instead spend "my leisure time practising oriental dances and playing the piano with my mother."

After arriving in Moldova in 1997, Manvelean, her parents and two siblings faced many challenges in Europe's poorest country, including finding accommodation and employment. But her father found seasonal work and her mother, a classically trained pianist, gave private music lessons.

At school, Manvelean excelled academically and realized at a young age that she wanted to study law so that she could defend and advocate for the most vulnerable and needy people. But then cruel fate intervened when her father, the family breadwinner, became ill and died.

Her dream hung in the balance because "I realized that now my family couldn't afford it," Manvelean said. "Consequently, I decided that after high school I would find an unskilled job and save the money for future studies." But it would put enormous strain on her family, who needed her income.

Then she heard about the DAFI programme and successfully applied for a scholarship, which she received last year, when her BA course began. She hopes that she will get support for all four years. Meanwhile, she says she has "another dream to contribute to the development of the country I reside in . . . as a qualified lawyer and public policymaker."

Sargsyan received her DAFI scholarship in 2010, allowing her to start a four-year course in pharmaceutical technologies at the Free International University of Moldova. "In two years I'll become a certified manufacturing chemist, which is a profession in high demand here in Moldova," she said.

"My [beneficiary of humanitarian protection] status prevented me from getting access to state scholarship programmes, therefore I couldn't rely on any external support for my university studies," said Sargsyan, whose family came to Moldova from Armenia in 2002. Their lives had been severely affected by a massive earthquake in 1988 and they could not find proper housing.

"DAFI gave me this opportunity [to study] and opened a window to a better future," said the young woman. With a degree, she will have an advantage in this economically troubled country.

Both DAFI scholars said they did not want to return to their homeland, but would prefer to make a future in Moldova. Sargsyan became a Moldovan citizen last year, while Manvelean has applied for nationality. The DAFI initiative provides an opportunity for some ambitious young refugees to establish themselves in a new country.

"DAFI scholarships are giving refugee scholars in Moldova the assistance they need to study and provide necessary support to their families," said Peter Kessler, UNHCR's representative in Moldova.

Some 1,700 students are currently studying on DAFI scholarships in 38 countries around the world.

By Evghenia Stupak in Chisinau, Republic of Moldova





UNHCR country pages


Education is vital in restoring hope and dignity to young people driven from their homes.

DAFI Scholarships

The German-funded Albert Einstein German Academic Refugee Initiative provides scholarships for refugees to study in higher education institutes in many countries.

Seeds of Hope

20 Years of DAFI: A UNHCR exhibition highlights the impact of higher education for refugee communities.

Chad: Education in Exile

UNHCR joins forces with the Ministry of Education and NGO partners to improve education for Sudanese refugees in Chad.

The ongoing violence in Sudan's western Darfur region has uprooted two million Sudanese inside the country and driven some 230,000 more over the border into 12 refugee camps in eastern Chad.

Although enrolment in the camp schools in Chad is high, attendance is inconsistent. A shortage of qualified teachers and lack of school supplies and furniture make it difficult to keep schools running. In addition, many children are overwhelmed by household chores, while others leave school to work for local Chadian families. Girls' attendance is less regular, especially after marriage, which usually occurs by the age of 12 or 13. For boys and young men, attending school decreases the possibility of recruitment by various armed groups operating in the area.

UNHCR and its partners continue to provide training and salaries for teachers in all 12 refugee camps, ensuring a quality education for refugee children. NGO partners maintain schools and supply uniforms to needy students. And UNICEF is providing books, note pads and stationary. In August 2007 UNHCR, UNICEF and Chad's Ministry of Education joined forces to access and improve the state of education for Sudanese uprooted by conflict in Darfur.

UNHCR's ninemillion campaign aims to provide a healthy and safe learning environment for nine million refugee children by 2010.

Chad: Education in Exile

Education for Displaced Colombians

UNHCR works with the government of Colombia to address the needs of children displaced by violence.

Two million people are listed on Colombia's National Register for Displaced People. About half of them are under the age of 18, and, according to the Ministry of Education, only half of these are enrolled in school.

Even before displacement, Colombian children attending school in high-risk areas face danger from land mines, attacks by armed groups and forced recruitment outside of schools. Once displaced, children often lose an entire academic year. In addition, the trauma of losing one's home and witnessing extreme violence often remain unaddressed, affecting the child's potential to learn. Increased poverty brought on by displacement usually means that children must work to help support the family, making school impossible.

UNHCR supports the government's response to the educational crisis of displaced children, which includes local interventions in high-risk areas, rebuilding damaged schools, providing school supplies and supporting local teachers' organizations. UNHCR consults with the Ministry of Education to ensure the needs of displaced children are known and planned for. It also focuses on the educational needs of ethnic minorities such as the Afro-Colombians and indigenous people.

UNHCR's ninemillion campaign aims to provide a healthy and safe learning environment for nine million refugee children by 2010.

Education for Displaced Colombians

Iraqi Children Go To School in Syria

UNHCR aims to help 25,000 refugee children go to school in Syria by providing financial assistance to families and donating school uniforms and supplies.

There are some 1.4 million Iraqi refugees living in Syria, most having fled the extreme sectarian violence sparked by the bombing of the Golden Mosque of Samarra in 2006.

Many Iraqi refugee parents regard education as a top priority, equal in importance to security. While in Iraq, violence and displacement made it difficult for refugee children to attend school with any regularity and many fell behind. Although education is free in Syria, fees associated with uniforms, supplies and transportation make attending school impossible. And far too many refugee children have to work to support their families instead of attending school.

To encourage poor Iraqi families to register their children, UNHCR plans to provide financial assistance to at least 25,000 school-age children, and to provide uniforms, books and school supplies to Iraqi refugees registered with UNHCR. The agency will also advise refugees of their right to send their children to school, and will support NGO programmes for working children.

UNHCR's ninemillion campaign aims to provide a healthy and safe learning environment for nine million refugee children by 2010.

Iraqi Children Go To School in Syria

Ethiopia: Education, A Refugee's Call to ServePlay video

Ethiopia: Education, A Refugee's Call to Serve

War forced Lim Bol Thong to flee South Sudan, putting his dreams of becoming a doctor on hold. As a refugee in the Kule camp in Gambella, Ethiopia, he has found another way to serve. Just 21 years old, Lim started teaching chemistry at the school's primary school and last year was promoted to Vice Principal.
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South Sudan: A Long Walk in Search of Safety

Years of fighting between Sudan and rebel forces have sent more than 240,000 people fleeing to neighbouring South Sudan, a country embroiled in its own conflict. After weeks on foot, Amal Bakith and her five children are settling in at Ajoung Thok refugee camp where they receive food, shelter, access to education and land.
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From refugee 'Lost Boy' to state education minister

The subject of the best-selling book What is the What, Valentino Achak Deng's journey has taken him from Sudanese 'Lost Boy' to education minister in his home state in South Sudan. He talks here about the causes of displacement, the risks of politicizing refugee resettlement, and the opportunities that come with staying positive.