string(20) "Burbiey Transit site" South Sudan Situation - Ethiopia - Gambella - Burbiey Transit site
South Sudan Situation
Information Sharing Portal
Information Sharing Portal

Ethiopia Gambella Burbiey Transit site

Settlement type: Transit Site
name1 name2
35,200 Individuals
Total Refugees
Base Layer


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Refugees from South Sudan in Burbiey Transit site: Post 15 Dec 2013


Last Updated 11 Sep 2015

Source - UNHCR & GOV

Refugees and asylum-seekers from South Sudan in Burbiey Transit site: Total


Last Updated 11 Sep 2015

Source - UNHCR & GOV

Demographic breakdown is currently unavailable

  Refugees and asylum-seekers from South Sudan in Burbiey Transit site: Total

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  Breakdown by Country of Origin

Country of Origin Current Total    
100 %

   Latest Documents

Report Date: 29/04/2014
IOM Special Liaison Office (SLO) has moved a total of 89,311 refugees to Fugnido, Leitchuor, Bonga and Kule camps as of 29 April 2014. From the total IOM has transported 342 have been moved from Akobo‐Tergol entry point via helicopter provided by UNHCR. Relocation of arrivals by IOM from Pagak and Akobo to Kule, Bonga and Itang has continued.
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Report Date: 10/04/2014
Joint UNHCR/WFP/UNICEF/ARRA/Humanitarian Partners Strategic Guideline The goal of the coordinated emergency response is to keep the core indicators below the emergency threshold of 1) Crude Mortality Rate (CMR) of 1/10,000/day and under 5 mortality rate (U5-MR) of 2/10,000/day; 2) Global Acute Malnutrition (GAM) below 10% and Severe Acute Malnutrition (SAM) below 1%; and 3) prevent the occurrence of disease outbreaks as well as malnutrition.
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