On the occasion of the 30th anniversary of the 1984 Cartagena Declaration on Refugees, Governments of Latin America and the Caribbean met on 2 and 3 December 2014 at a Ministerial Meeting in Brasilia, where they adopted a common roadmap to address new displacement trends and end statelessness within the next decade.

The result of the conference was the “Cartagena Declaration on Refugees”, which has become an example of how, through solidarity and international cooperation, situations of forced displacement in the Americas can be effectively addressed.

In the year that commemorates the 30th anniversary of the Cartagena Declaration, we celebrate our accomplishments in the region with relation to the protection of refugee, displaced and stateless persons, promoting further reflection on the new challenges and the problems that remain.

Throughout 2014, the commemorative process “Cartagena+30” will allow the governments of Latin America and the Caribbean to adopt a new strategic framework, based on measurable results, to drive and strengthen protection and durable solutions for refugee, stateless and internally displaced persons, as well as other vulnerable groups that need security in the region.

Cartagena+30 is presented as a strategic process in which the countries of Latin America and the Caribbean, in addition to celebrating achievements and advances, promote a reflection on the challenges that lie ahead in terms of protection for refugees and the internally displaced. The final objective is a plan of action under the heading “Spirit of Cartagena”, which would consider the current needs for international protection and offer a more practical framework for the identification of solutions in the continent.

Cartagena+30: Latin America and the Caribbean adopt a common Plan of Action

Cartagena+30: Latin America and the Caribbean adopt a common Plan of Action

Dec 3, 2014

Latin America and Caribbean countries today agreed to work together to uphold the highest international and regional protection standards.

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Ministers meet in Brazil to map out displacement and statelessness strategies for Latin America and Caribbean

Ministers meet in Brazil to map out displacement and statelessness strategies for Latin America and Caribbean

Dec 2, 2014

UN High Commissioner for Refugees António Guterres opened a ministerial meeting in Brazil that will map out forced displacement and statelessness challenges across the Latin America and Caribbean regions.

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A UNHCR expert looks at what forces Central American children to flee

A UNHCR expert looks at what forces Central American children to flee

Nov 12, 2014

The UN refuge agency on Tuesday released an important report on the unprecedented number of unaccompanied children who are on the run in Mexico.

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Brazil Declaration and Plan of Action

Dec 3, 2014

On 2 and 3 December 2014, 28 countries and 3 territories in Latin America and the Caribbean adopted by acclamation the Brazil Declaration and Plan of Action, agreeing to work together to maintain the highest standards of international and regional protection.

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Cartagena Declaration on Refugees

Feb 12, 2014

Adopted by the Colloquium on the International Protection of Refugees in Central America, Mexico and Panama, held at Cartagena,...

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Mexico Declaration and Plan of Action to Strengthen International Protection of Refugees in Latin America

Feb 12, 2014

The Mexico Declaration and Plan of Action to Strengthen International Protection of Refugees in Latin America, adopted in 2004 by 20...

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Sub-regional meeting of the Caribbean

Aug 31, 2014

Cayman Islands, September 10-11, 2014. Participants: Governments and civil society of Caribbean countries, observer countries and regional and international organizations.

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MESOAMERICA sub-regional meeting

Jun 30, 2014

July, 9-10 in Managua, Nicaragua. Participants: Governments and civil society of Belize, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Panama, the Dominican Republic, Mexico and Brazil, observer countries and regional and international organizations.

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Andean sub-regional meeting

May 31, 2014

Ecuador, June 9-10, 2014 Participants: Governments and civil society representatives from Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru and...

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