UNHCR's annual consultations with NGOs look to new challenges

News Stories, 28 June 2011

© UNHCR/S.Hopper
Opening day of UNHCR's Annual Consultations with NGOs in Geneva. (From left) Julien Schopp of the International Council of Voluntary Agencies; Alice Koiho Kipre of Afrique Secours et Assistance; UNHCR chief António Guterres; UNHCR's Director of External Relations, Daisy Dell; and Acting Head of UNHCR's Inter-Agency Unit, Kemlin Furle.

GENEVA, June 28 (UNHCR) The UN refugee agency's annual consultations with its non-governmental partners opened in Geneva on Tuesday with a look ahead at the growing challenges faced by relief agencies amid persisting and multiplying crises.

"Since the beginning of the year, we have witnessed a multiplication of crises, many of them totally unpredicted, with a significant impact on the displacement of people. But [at the same time] old crises seem to never die," said UNHCR chief António Guterres, referring to the recent conflict in Côte d'Ivoire, current uprisings in North Africa and the Middle East as well as the instability in Afghanistan, Iraq, Somalia and Sudan.

The three-day meeting involves participants from 211 non-governmental organizations representing 72 countries. Delegates will discuss issues related to the assistance and protection of forcibly displaced people.

"New emphasis needs to be put on urban refugees, land and property rights, IDPs (internally displaced people), statelessness issues that were not part of the agenda not so long ago," said Julien Schopp, Senior Policy Officer for the International Council of Voluntary Agencies, which helped organize the meeting. "It is necessary to take stock and look at ways we can strengthen the protection regime."

Asylum-seekers are experiencing more limited access to countries where they can be protected while treatment of their asylum claims is becoming less fair. Guterres said this is mainly due to negative public opinions in some developed countries towards asylum-seekers, migrants and foreigners in general. He warned that a similar trend is also emerging in the developing world following recent policy changes in areas such as southern Africa.

Access is unpredictable, and this increases the level of risk for humanitarian actors. The High Commissioner noted, "The restrictions governments put on humanitarian access, based on political considerations and the assertions of national sovereignty that sometimes come at the expense of meeting humanitarian needs, is another area where there was no improvement compared to last year."

He added, "With the trend of shrinking asylum space combined with shrinking humanitarian space, I feel things will get worse before they eventually, hopefully, start to get better."

When the 1951 Refugee Convention came into being 60 years ago, there were some 2.1 million refugees. Today, there are nearly 44 million uprooted people around the world. Some 7.2 million of them are refugees who have been in exile for prolonged periods, including in some cases for decades. NGOs have been instrumental in assisting them, including in some of the most remote places. UNHCR is currently working with a network of 700 NGOs worldwide.

By Fatoumata Lejeune-Kaba in Geneva




Annual Consultations with NGOs

An important yearly forum.

2015 Annual Consultations with NGOs

The 2015 Annual Consultations with NGOs will take place from 01 to 03 July at the International Conference Centre Geneva (ICCG). For further information, visit our website:

Partnership: An Operations Management Handbook for UNHCR's Partners (Revised Edition)

A practical guide for those working with UNHCR in protecting and assisting refugees.

Non-Governmental Organizations

A priority for us is to strengthen partnerships with non-governmental organizations.

Arriving in Europe, refugees find chaos as well as kindness

Each day, thousands of refugees and migrants are risking everything to make the perilous journey to Europe. The majority - who come from war-torn Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan - are passing through Greece and then making their way to Germany. Transit countries have been overwhelmed by the influx, but volunteers and NGOs are stepping in to provide support along the route. In Hungary, where there is a large bottleneck of people trying to make their way onwards to places like Germany, UNHCR is mobilizing relief items, including tents, plastic sheets and thermal blankets. The refugee agency is also calling on officials there to streamline the registration process and allow humanitarian organizations to provide swift assistance to those in greatest need. UNHCR is also calling on EU Member States to work together to strengthen emergency reception, assistance and registration efforts in the countries most impacted by arrivals, particularly Greece, Hungary and Italy. UNHCR photographers have been on hand documenting the arduous journey.

Arriving in Europe, refugees find chaos as well as kindness

Iraq Crisis: Finding a Place to Stay

Tens of thousands of people have fled to Erbil and Duhok governorates in Iraq's Kurdistan region over the past week, sheltering in schools, mosques, churches and temporary camps following a surge of violence in parts of central and northern Iraq. UNHCR and its partners have been working to meet the urgent shelter needs. The refugee agency has delivered close to 1,000 tents to a transit camp being built by the authorities and NGOs at Garmawa, near Duhok.

Many of the people arriving from Mosul at checkpoints between Ninewa and governorate and Iraq's Kurdistan region have limited resources and cannot afford to pay for shelter. Some people stay with family, while others are staying in hotels and using up their meagre funds.

In the village of Alqosh, some 150 people from 20 families, with little more than the clothes on their back, have been living in several overcrowded classrooms in a primary school for the past week. One member of the group said they had lived in a rented apartment in Mosul and led a normal family life. But in Alqosh, they feared for the welfare and education of their children and the presence of snakes and scorpions.

Iraq Crisis: Finding a Place to Stay

South Sudan: Preparing for Long-Awaited Returns

The signing of a peace agreement between the Sudanese government and the army of the Sudanese People's Liberation Movement on 9 January, 2005, ended 21 years of civil war and signaled a new era for southern Sudan. For some 4.5 million uprooted Sudanese – 500,000 refugees and 4 million internally displaced people – it means a chance to finally return home.

In preparation, UNHCR and partner agencies have undertaken, in various areas of South Sudan, the enormous task of starting to build some basic infrastructure and services which either were destroyed during the war or simply had never existed. Alongside other UN agencies and NGOs, UNHCR is also putting into place a wide range of programmes to help returnees re-establish their lives.

These programs include road construction, the building of schools and health facilities, as well as developing small income generation programmes to promote self-reliance.

South Sudan: Preparing for Long-Awaited Returns

Greece: Ramping up refugee receptionPlay video

Greece: Ramping up refugee reception

UNHCR staff are working with Government authorities, NGOs and volunteers on the beaches of the Greek island of Lesvos to receive cold, wet and fearful asylum seekers making landfall around the clock. They wrap them in thermal blankets and take them to warm, safe emergency accommodation at transit sites, with power and Wi-Fi connectivity.
Greece: Refugee Crisis in EuropePlay video

Greece: Refugee Crisis in Europe

Over 100,000 refugees have arrived to Greece by sea this year. UNHCR is mobilizing emergency teams, resources and delivering basic humanitarian assistance in order to address the most urgent gaps and support government efforts. Volunteers, local communities and NGOs are providing invaluable assistance but they need support.

Lebanon: Rush to ArsalPlay video

Lebanon: Rush to Arsal

The bombardment of the Syrian city of Yabroud has driven thousands of refugees across the mountains into the Lebanese town of Arsal. UNHCR and its partners, including Lebanese NGOs, are working to find shelter for the newly arrived.