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Individual Supporters

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A Growing Base of Supporters

The Individual Giving income stream is an essential part of UNHCR's private sector fund-raising global programme. In 2013, Individual supporters responded strongly to emergency appeals, particularly for the Syria crisis and the aftermath of the devastating Typhoon Haiyan in the Philippines. They also helped support operations that received less media attention, despite significant needs.

A strategic and constant focus in donor recruitment since 2007 has built a growing base of more than 900,000 donors and will support our drive towards 2.5 million donors by the year 2018.

UNHCR aims to provide its supporters with a best-in-class connection to the refugee cause, driving compassion and generosity and providing great opportunities for telling the stories of forcibly displaced people and sharing the humanitarian impact of UNHCR's operations. Through UNHCR's new commitment to digital excellence, we will develop a cutting-edge digital recruitment programme and set new standards in best practice for supporter engagement.




Corporate Partners

Good corporate citizenship builds the foundations for more sustainable growth.

Foundation Partners

Charitable foundations help provide life-saving assistance to refugees.

Private Philanthropy

Individual philanthropists and family trusts help forge international solidarity.

Stories from individual supporters

"Australia for UNHCR" external website.


If you are interested in exploring a partnership with UNHCR, please contact us.