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Foundation Partners

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Foundations Help Forge a Future

Building on a long history of engagement and dialogue with philanthropic institutions, UNHCR develops multi-year partnerships with major charitable foundations to help provide life-saving assistance to refugees and raise awareness on key issues such as the protection of their rights, the need for an asylum space and the search for lasting solutions.

UNHCR relies almost exclusively on voluntary contributions from governments and the private sector to fund its operations around the world. This includes the financial support of non-profit organizations and foundations, whose support enables UNHCR to provide refugees and other displaced people with protection and humanitarian relief, improving their lives through the provision of essentials such as shelter, health care, food security, water, sanitation and hygiene as well as access to education.

We continue to forge and develop new relationships with foundations worldwide, ensuring that refugee issues figure prominently on the agendas of donors and philanthropists.

The United Nations Foundation

Contributing important health, social and security benefits for large numbers of displaced people in some 20 African countries.

Educate A Child

Providing primary education to 176,000 refugee children in Africa, Asia and the Middle East.




Corporate Partners

Good corporate citizenship builds the foundations for more sustainable growth.

Private Philanthropy

Individual philanthropists and family trusts help forge international solidarity.

UNHCR Private Sector Partnerships Newsletter


If you are interested in exploring a partnership with UNHCR, please contact us.