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The Human Story

Behind the Statistics
Behind all the statements and statistics about refugees, asylum seekers, the internally displaced and the stateless are real people with harrowing tales of suffering and loss, as well as hope and ambition. UNHCR believes we must provide a platform for their voices and - when it does not risk their safety - to give a face to the millions of people of concern. Our staff around the world gather these human stories every day so that people living in peace and comfort can understand why the forcibly displaced and stateless need compassion and care. The best way to understand the suffering of others is to hear their stories of hardship, courage, struggle and perseverance.
Telling the Human Story
Reza's "A Dream of humanity" opens on the banks of the Seine in Paris
Gigantic photo exhibition now covers the walls along the banks of the Seine in Paris
Emotional graduation ceremony triggers memories of Burundian scholar's journey
Olivet Nyankuru, a scholarship student at Lurio University, ranks number one in his class and is awarded a medical degree by the president of Mozambique.
Teacher's vision brings education to hundreds in Pakistani refugee village
Aqeela started teaching Afghan refugee girls in a tent. Some two decades later, she has taught thousands, overcoming parental opposition and with UNHCR support.
Stateless and crying for help from the beloved country
Ousmane cannot tell what nationality he has. Born in Côte d'Ivoire to a Burkinabé mother, his birth was never registered and this left him vulnerable and exploitable.
Home Alone: South Sudan teenager leads her young siblings to safety in Uganda
In humanitarian crises, children often get separated from their family. UNHCR and its partners are always looking out for such children, who urgently need help.