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“They have lost their home country – in some cases their family and friends – but they still try to make the best of their situation. I think there’s a lot we can learn. This experience really has helped me and many other people to understand a lot of things."

Mirjam, a resident of remote and Nagu, Finland spoke to Giles Duley Photography who continues to document the plight of refugees across Europe for us, and in Finland, finds locals offering touching hospitality to their ‘guests’.

As he continues to document the plight of the world’s displaced people, photographer Giles Duley is moved by the hospitality shown to new arrivals on the Finnish island of Nagu
theguardian.com|By Giles Duley

Beautiful printing and new skills for refugees and local women.

Our livelihoods programme in Pakistan trains Afghan refugees, alongside their Pakistani neighbours, in skills they can use to earn a living.

UNHCR's photo.

While more than 6,000 South Sudanese refugees have fled to Uganda since the start of the year, we’re so happy to see that some of the kids at the Nyumanzi Transit Centre in northern Uganda are still able to act like kids and are loving the slide.

Roughly two-thirds of the new refugee arrivals are children.

The latest from Uganda: http://www.unhcr.org/cgi-bin/texis/vtx/search…


Video: UNHCR / C Yaxley

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"It was difficult to concentrate when I had to study under the plastic sheets. The rain, wind and heat exhausted me.”

Ang Tsering (right) and his friends are much more relaxed and happy these days. The reason? They are now able to go to school in a newly constructed temporary learning center made of bamboo and corrugated iron sheets that make a solid roof.

We’re helping construct 175 temporary centers across Nepal to provide a safe space for children to continue their studies... in a number of remote villages that were hit hard by the April 2015 earthquake.

Photo: UNHCR/D. Shrestha

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