United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
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UNHCR Statement on the Situation in Turkey

© UNHCR/N.Bose

UNHCR expresses its gratitude for the generosity shown by the Turkish authorities and people towards the Syrian refugees they have been hosting for the last five years. UNHCR appreciates that Turkey is continuing to give access to humanitarian and medical cases despite the increasingly complex situation in northern Syria. In view of the recent displacement in Aleppo province and the extreme vulnerabilities, UNHCR is encouraging authorities to ensure a broader access to Turkish territory for all those in need of international protection in line with the long-standing Turkish open-border policy. 

Turkey is already hosting over 2.5 million Syrians and shouldering the greatest responsibility in sheer numbers in this humanitarian international crisis. While UNHCR stands ready to assist authorities to manage and care for new arrivals of refugees, and has pre-positioned relief items in Turkey close to the Syrian border accordingly, far greater support is required to address the magnitude of needs. UNHCR is therefore also calling on the international community to swiftly and meaningfully increase support to Turkey.

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URL: www.unhcr.gr/nea/2014.html
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