United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
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UNHCR: No more losses of human lives at sea

19 March 2014

©Hellenic Coast Guard

Following the new tragedy late on Monday, 17 March, off Lesvos island, where seven Syrian refugees died, UNHCR expresses deep sorrow and concern over the continuous loss of persons at sea, who attempt to reach safety having fled from war-torn regions. Since the beginning of 2014, more than 20 persons - Syrians and Afghans - have died at the Greek side of the Aegean Sea. Hundreds more put their lives at serious risk, until they were rescued by the Greek authorities.   

Yesterday (18 March), a UNHCR team visited the survivors in Mytilene hospital, in the framework of provision of information and basic aid items to new arrivals. The psychological state of the survivors is very bad, given this traumatic experience at sea and the loss of their loved ones. They are receiving support from the local hospital, competent authorities and organizations active in Lesvos. 

UNHCR’s Regional Representative for Southern Europe, Laurens Jolles, noted yesterday: “This tragic loss of life at sea in Greece highlights the need to strengthen further maritime rescue operations, with the co-operation of all States involved, as well as the need for solidarity and responsibility-sharing measures in the framework of the European Union”. Jolles referred to the positive example of “Mare Nostrum”, a co-ordinated operation of proactive intervention, implemented by the Italian authorities since October 2013, following the tragedy off Lampedousa. So far, at least 12,000 persons have been rescued in the Mediterranean, in the framework of this operation. 

The UN Refugee Agency has repeatedly called upon European and other governments to co-operate, in order to prevent loss of life at sea. Apart from strengthening further rescue operations, UNHCR stresses the need to create legal migration alternatives to dangerous irregular movements for refugees. Specifically for refugees from Syria, UNHCR reiterates its call for safe access to territory of other States, including EU Member States, a moratorium on returns to Syria and countries neighbouring Syria, access to asylum and protection, facilitation of resettlement, family reunification and other forms of admission, including humanitarian, student or work visas.  

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