Related news stories to Unit plan for ages 12-14 in Civic Education: Refugee teenagers

Showing 11-17 of 17 results
Colombia: reports of violence and intimidation against young IDPs 17 May 2005

Colombia's displaced youth face violence, forced recruitment in cities, warns UNHCR 17 May 2005

Feature: Central Europe's first home for separated refugee children opens in Hungary 2 July 2003

'Eid' brings Somalis hopes for peace, memories of better times 6 December 2002

UNHCR welcomes Optional Protocol on child soldiers 12 February 2002

Number of unaccompanied children seeking asylum steady despite wars and forced conscription 13 November 2001

Guinea: daily arrivals from Sierra Leone double 23 June 2000



Refugee teenagers

Related news stories to Unit plan for ages 12-14 in Civic Education

Refugees: Telling Their Stories

A publication of the winners & finalists of UNHCR's High School Writing Competition

[PDF, 40pp. 1.2Mb]

Action for the Rights of Children (ARC): Critical Issues - Child Soldiers

Briefing notes for facilitators, training materials, resources.

Summary update of Machel study follow-up activities in 2001-2002

"Adults go to war, but they don't realize what damage they are doing to children." - A Nicaraguan child

Refugee Youth: Facing the future

They have seen atrocities many people cannot imagine, survived trauma most of their peers will never experience. Caught between adult burdens and childhood innocence, refugee youth around the world have continued to face the future with hope and courage.

In 2003, UNHCR dedicated World Refugee Day to refugee youth, spotlighting their plight and needs while celebrating their strengths and potential to help themselves and their communities.

This gallery looks at young refugees and how they attempt to cope with life during or after exile. From the Bosnian teenager finding her home destroyed, to the boy seeing his native Eritrea for the first time. From the displaced Liberian girl juggling daily chores with her baby brother, to the young returnees attending school in Vietnam. No matter how dire the situation, these young refugees have embraced the future with optimism and enthusiasm, their only hope in escaping the trap of exile and poverty.

Refugee Youth: Facing the future