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Contract Awards

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© UNHCR/P.Taggart, August 2008

UNHCR Contractual Arrangements

All UNHCR contractual arrangements are subject to the Financial Rules and Regulations of the United Nations and the Financial Rules for Voluntary Funds Administered by the High Commissioner.

Regulation 5.12 of the Financial Rules and Regulations of the UN states that the following general principles shall be given due consideration when exercising the procurement functions of the United Nations: a) Best value for money; b) Fairness, integrity and transparency; c) Effective international competition; d) The interest of the United Nations.

UNHCR contracts are awarded following these principles. A tabulation of bids is prepared after the Supply Management Service has received the offers. The salient points of each offer are compared. Contracts are awarded on the basis of the lowest evaluated offer best meeting the objective criteria of price, delivery and specifications. While the commitment to quality remains uncompromised, the relative weight given to price and delivery time during adjudication of the tender will vary in function of the urgency of the need. In emergencies, rapid delivery may take priority.

All proposals to enter into commercial contracts valued at US$150,000 or more for Headquarters and US$20,000 or more in the field require the approval of the Committee on Contracts. In an effort to make the UNHCR procurement process as transparent as possible, SMS is now posting all contract awards for business that are valued at US$150,000 or more.

A request for contract award information not posted on this page will require a specific request to the SMS e-mail address.




Headquarters Contracts Committee

All contracts greater than or equal to US$150,000 unless delegated to a Regional Committee on Contracts.

Regional Contracts Committee

All contracts greater than or equal to US$150,000 up to a maximum of US$500,000.

Local Contracts Committee

All contracts greater than or equal to US$20,000 up to a maximum of US$150,000.

Purchase Orders

Purchase orders for more than US$100,000