London Syria Conference: World leaders urged to help Syrians

News Stories, 3 February 2016

© UNHCR/J.Matas
Children play at Zaatari Refugee Camp in Jordan.

LONDON, United Kingdom, Feb 3 (UNHCR) More than 70 heads of state, the UN Secretary General, heads of international organizations, NGOs and private sector representatives are gathering in London this week for a key conference to pledge their support for the growing aid needs of the Syrian people.

Hosted by the United Kingdom, Germany, Kuwait, Norway and the United Nations, the two-day conference "Supporting Syria and the Region" begins on Wednesday (February 3). It aims to generate significant new help for the immediate and longer-term needs of those affected by the Syrian conflict, including increased funding.

With needs at an unprecedented level, two record UN humanitarian and development appeals amounting to US$7.73 billion were launched this January. The Syria Humanitarian Response Plan (HRP) and the Regional Refugee and Resilience Plan (3RP) represent critical new funding needed to help 22.5 million people in Syria and across the region.

After nearly five years of deadly conflict in Syria, the 3RP seeks to aid an estimated 4.7 million refugees in neighbouring countries by the end of 2016, as well as four million people in the communities hosting them. Equally important is the appeal for continued support for the 13.5 million displaced and conflict-affected people inside Syria itself.

"The lives and futures of millions of Syrian refugees and internally displaced people depend on the world's response. It is imperative that those in positions of power act now. They must spare no effort in bringing an end to the Syrian conflict and generously assist in alleviating the massive human suffering of the Syrian people," said the UN High Commissioner for Refugees Filippo Grandi. "But aid alone will not suffice and we welcome the renewed focus on longer-term solutions for refugees and the communities hosting them."

Since the 3RP was first launched in December 2014, the humanitarian and development situation has deteriorated both inside Syria, where fighting has intensified, and in neighbouring countries. An estimated quarter of a million Syrians have been killed since 2011, while many refugees across the region have exhausted their resources and are irreversibly sinking into destitution and despair.

With no prospects and no alternatives, thousands of Syrian refugees are embarking on dangerous sea journeys to Europe, risking their lives at the hands of unscrupulous smugglers. Despite these relatively large numbers, it is the host governments and communities neighbouring Syria that continue to bear the brunt of the political, economic and social spillover from the Syria conflict.

UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency, is increasingly concerned about the growing disparity between the massive humanitarian needs and the international aid available. In 2015, the two appeals for the refugees in the region and the needs inside Syria were funded at just over 50 per cent. More worryingly, considerable contributions arrived only towards the end of the year, ultimately making planning and implementation difficult.

"Given the fact that our appeals have been progressively underfunded, we are asking the international community for increased contributions earlier in the year. It is essential for those of us leading the response to the Syrian refugee crisis to have predictable, multi-year funding, running in parallel with greater support for the main host countries," Grandi said.

The London conference also sets ambitious goals for education and economic opportunities in order to improve and transform the lives of refugees caught up in the Syrian crisis and support neighbouring Lebanon, Jordan, Turkey and Iraq, who are shouldering the heaviest burden of the Syrian displacement.

In addition to increasing the funding for HRP and 3RP; as well as mid-term humanitarian, resilience and development commitments up to 2020, the conference and side events aim to address long-term needs and identify ways in which to strengthen refugee livelihoods and resilience by creating economic opportunities and jobs. Creating education opportunities will be given equal attention.

Crucially, the conference will aim to maintain pressure on parties to the conflict, to protect civilians and to ensure the international community is well prepared to support a coordinated stabilization effort once conditions allow.

The two-day London conference opens on Wednesday (February 3) with civil society events such as the non-governmental and private sector conferences. These events will provide additional input for heads of state focussing on education, livelihoods and protection of the civilian population inside Syria.

After the pledging conferences in Kuwait and Berlin, the London conference is the fourth such event since the start of the Syrian crisis in spring 2011.

By Andrej Mahecic in London




The Anguish of Syria's Refugees Enters a Fifth Year

These are the faces of Syrian refugees - more than 3.8 million in neighbouring countries alone - who fled their homes to escape a war that's unleashed one of the worst humanitarian crises of our time. They imagined their exile might last weeks or months. Now the conflict is raging into a fifth year.

Many refugees reached safety after treacherous journeys by car, bus or a motorcycle. Others walked across deserts and rivers, or climbed over mountains to escape persecution and death in Syria.

They made their homes in informal settlements across Lebanon, in organized camps in Turkey and Jordan, and in unfinished buildings and other insecure dwellings around Beirut, Amman and Istanbul, stretching their hosts' resources, and hospitality, to the limit.

UNHCR has appealed for billions of dollars to help bring aid to Syria's refugees. With partners, the refugee agency is providing shelter, medical care, food and education. But what the refugees need most is an end to the devastating conflict, so they can regain hope of returning to Syria and rebuilding their broken homeland.

The Anguish of Syria's Refugees Enters a Fifth Year

From Paris With Love, Toys for Syrian Children

Every year, the Quai Branly Museum in Paris organizes a collection of toys from schoolchildren in Paris and, with a little help from UNHCR and other key partners, sends them to refugee children who have lost so much.

The beneficiaries this year were scores of Syrian children living in two camps in Turkey, one of the major host countries for the more than 1.4 million Syrians who have fled their country with or without their families. Most of these traumatized young people have lost their own belongings in the rubble of Syria.

Last week, staff from the museum, UNHCR and the Fédération des Associations d'Anciens du Scoutisme gathered up the toys and packed them into 60 boxes. They were then flown to Turkey by Aviation Sans Frontières (Aviation without Borders) and taken to the kindergarten and nursery schools in Nizip-1 and Nizip-2 camps near the city of Gaziantep.

A gift from more fortunate children in the French capital, the toys brought a ray of sunshine into the lives of some young Syrian refugees and reminded them that their peers in the outside world do care.

These images of the toy distribution were taken by photographer Aytac Akad and UNHCR's Selin Unal.

From Paris With Love, Toys for Syrian Children

Angelina Jolie visits Syrian and Iraqi refugees in the Middle East

In her new role as UNHCR Special Envoy, Angelina Jolie has made five trips to visit refugees so far this year. She travelled to Jordan, Lebanon and Turkey in September 2012 to meet some of the tens of thousands of Syrians who have fled conflict in their homeland and sought shelter in neighbouring countries. Jolie wrapped up her Middle East visit in Iraq, where she met Syrian refugees in the north as well as internally displaced Iraqis and refugee returnees to Baghdad.

The following unpublished photos were taken during her visit to the Middle East and show her meeting with Syrian and Iraqi refugees.

Angelina Jolie visits Syrian and Iraqi refugees in the Middle East