United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
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The Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) in Greece is calling for Expressions of Interest from existing or prospective partners who would like to partner with UNHCR on the “Establishment of 20,000 reception places in support of the Relocation Scheme” under the “Support to implementation of Hotspot and Relocation Scheme and to the Strengthening of the Asylum Reception Capacity” Project.


Call for Expression of Interest (CEI)


UNHCR in Greece implements its programme through operational and implementing partnerships with Government, local and international organizations. As of 2014, and in line with the new UNHCR Policy on Partnerships, UNHCR identifies its implementing partners through Calls for Expression of Interest. UNHCR is hereby issuing this CEI for implementation of the project in Greece.

The purpose of this Call for Expression of Interest is to invite parties (non-governmental/ non-profit entities) to express their interest in implementing projects for UNHCR, aimed at supporting the implementation of “Hotspot and Relocation Scheme and to the Strengthening of the Asylum Reception Capacity” in Greece in 2016-2017.

For a brief description and background of the project’s goals and particularities of the operation, as well as selection criteria and submission requirements, please see the following attachments:

1. Annex A: Call for Expression of Interest

2. Annex B: Concept Note and Partner Declaration

3. Annex C: Query Form

4. Appendix A: Reception Scheme Explanatory Notes

Important Information: please read carefully the Calls for Expression of Interest for project information and submission requirements.

In case of questions, please submit your queries via e-mail to greatipmc[at]unhcr.org on the provided Query Form (Annex C) by Saturday 05/12/2015. UNHCR will collect all queries and publish replies to all questions on its website on Monday 07/12/2015.

Questions over the phone, and to individual UNHCR staff members will not be accepted.

For more information on UNHCR’s Policy on Implementing Partners Selection, please download the following document:

Frequently Asked QuestionsEnhanced UNHCR Framework for Implementing with Partners 


Summary Timeframe (all in GR time):

•     Deadline for the submission of Queries: Saturday 05 December 2015, 23:59 hours

•     Date publishing Answers to Queries: Monday 07 December 2015, 18:00 hours

•     Deadline submission of Concept Notes: Friday 11 December 2015, 23:59 hours

•     Expected Communication of Selection Decisions by UNHCR to applicants: Friday 18 December 2015

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